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Quit! That’s the only Solution

Tanaya Singh:

Me: Why can’t you quit smoking? Ever thought of trying to stop? You know it’s harming you right? The health hazards caused by cigarettes are known to everybody these days. It’s ok that you are not extraordinarily sagacious, but come on; you are not a dullard too. Stop burning out those grey cells. You have got to worry about yourself my friend. Quit.

Them:  Well, if all it is doing is harming me, then what’s the big deal? I am cool about the fact that I’ll live a few years less than you do. It’s my life and I am enjoying it this way…..and blah and blah and BLAH.

Now this is what fits perfectly into the definition of “crap” IN capitals. Let me tell this to all the “THEM” out there who are sitting with that lighted stick booting out circles of smoke and smirking at my article right now. Your cigarette gives you cancer, lung diseases, heart problems and a reduced life span….but I don’t give a damn about that. If you are so very flippant about the obvious fact that you are poisoning your own self, and all you want to do is keep going just for that tiny bit of ephemeral “pleasure”….then you have all the right in the world to go out and get high. Do all you can do to drain your system with so called “delights of life”.  Feel free to pour in gallons of alcohol and get that “out of the world” feeling. But can you please….please stop smoking??

Killing you is not the only deed done by a cigarette. It is also killing the people who love you and the environment you live in. We all keep talking about the numerous harms that smoking does. But do we ever care about what it is doing to nature. The cigarette, right from its tip to the butt, is painting the earth charcoal black, and all we are doing about it is “smoking the problem off”!!!!

So in order to awaken the remaining bit of your working senses, “me”, the sensible two third of our global population still eschewing away from the fag, would like to jot down a few points that can make up good enough reasons to help you consider quitting.

The smoke has a lot more disadvantages, but they hit “YOU” directly. So we are not talking about them. Because you are not a least bit concerned about what is happening in there.

You can sit peacefully in your study with a cigarette and continue your research on the third world countries oblivious to the fact that the use of land for the production of that little thing in your hand rebuffs the supply of food to millions of people in those very countries.

If ever you stop being egocentric (yes you are one!!) and a jerk, then this is a plea from all of us and from the generations to come….”PLEASE QUIT”. That’s the only solution.

P.S.: Smoking uses a lot of your hard earned money. First when you buy cigarettes and then when you buy meds. Give this a thought. You could buy yourself something lot better than that.


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