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The Beauty Of Relationships

By Salony Satpathy:

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. “Pooh!” he whispered.

“Yes Piglet?”

“Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s paw, “I just wanted to be sure of you.”

Piglet’s concluding statement shows us a relationship in its basic and rawest form. The whole concept behind relationships is to be received, to be nurtured, to be accepted, to be believed in. The fact remains that it is the same for all beings, be it cats, dogs, humans, tigers, dolphins… We all tend to feel secured resting in our mothers’ laps and feel the same sorrow on being away from the people we love. We may pretend to be very strong and try to prove that none of what others think matters, but the truth remains that it is impossible to lead a life where we have no one to double our happiness with or to halve our heartfelt griefs. Secretly or openly, our hearts yearn to be a part of a world that is ours, with people who matter to us, who we care about and most importantly, a world where others care for us.

Some people just get lucky to enter this world without putting in much effort, while for others it comes at a cost. Struggle is one of the major payments the latter group of people have to make. There is not a single relationship in the world that needs no adjustment. It depends a great deal on our priorities or the choices we make in life, but there is something more to it. What we have to understand is that it is never hard work or labour that can earn us a successful relationship. It requires us to simply believe in it and accept it without any skepticism. Complexities keep mushrooming throughout life’s journey, tarnishing everything on their way, but they have to be ignored. We all know by experience that the simplest of relationships are the ones that last beyond our lifetimes, even beyond eternity. A pet and its master enjoy the simplicity of their relationship, celebrating each moment based on love, care, affection, trust and mutual respect.

Many a times, we find ourselves quarreling with people, and missing them the very moment they move away from us. Days when we are near our loved ones, we tend to immerse ourselves in other work, keeping ourselves busy all the time. Then, why do we cry when the bells of parting ring again? Quarrels, grudges misunderstandings- none seem to matter when it is time to bid adieu. Each life is unique, then why does the way a life parts from its loved ones remains exactly the same? These questions are rhetoric and unanswered, but these are the questions that give our relationships the beauty of undaunting simplicity, that makes them all the more magical and enthralling.

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