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Food That Will Help You Beat The Summer Heat

By Tejaswini Beerapu:

All around the Globe there have been some drastic weather changes. For some of us it’s spring, early summer or already summer. Either way, we can beat the heat by just eating right. Cranking up the AC won’t help you just, you need the right amount of calories, protein, carbs and the right choice of food.

To start with, fruits and veggies are the all time top ranking healthy food. They don’t seem to get boring if you mix them up every day and make yourself a custom bowl of smart and healthy combo of juicy fruits and healthy veggies. You can always freeze them up. Say, frozen strawberries, cucumber or pineapple and munch on them on sunny afternoons and you will see that the rest of the afternoon simply flies on by really cool. If you are a working individual, an easy tip would be to chop your veggies in the morning, add some salt and pepper and let them roast on a slow cooker. This keeps them fresh and ready to eat as soon as you come back home. Avoiding too much of spicy food would be an advantage. The spice makes you sweat and also increases the body temperature.

Fresh smoothies, milk shakes, water, vitamin water would keep you hydrated and also gives your skin that protection you need. Drinking lots of water is a norm. A very simple procedure to make a shake or smoothie would be to chop some bananas and berries, pour in the milk and blend them together. Avoid sugar to escape those extra calories and fat. Eating foods with high water content such as the watermelon, carrots, berries gives you the flavor as well. Vitamin D intake is good for women, so try to get some of it.

In the same line as the veggies, a perfect salad would also do the trick. It should include broccoli, spinach, cabbage or lettuce, chick peas, peas, kidney beans, cucumber, carrots, egg yolk and sprouts. Sprouts give you the oxygen, healthy fats and fiber. Adding some meat would also give the protein, grilled chicken would be the best choice in case you are not a vegan. Vitamin C is also necessary, one of the antioxidants. You can end the meal by having some citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits or also a cup of yogurt that keeps you cool always.

One of my personal favorites is the cantaloupe sweet. It is one of the much loved crop of summer. All you have to do is cut the cantaloupe and remove the seed. Cut the inside soft part into half inch cubes. All milk and sugar to taste and freeze it for couple of hours. And there you have a yummy desert that lets you beat the heat. You can avoid ice cream, cola and other junk food and replace them with such delicious deserts or fruits which will keep you healthy and hydrated

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