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INNOVATION: Can This One Futuristic Coin Replace All Your Credit Cards?

By Vasim Shaikh:

Do you absolutely love shopping and visiting new places very often? Do you have problems carrying all your debit, credit, business and gift cards with you everywhere? Do you waste ample amount of time in finding an ATM and remembering your passwords and other details when making transactions? Well worry no more, because Coin has the most apt solution for you. Just like the ideology of this company, of building simplified and improved products, this new product is an amazing combination of a subtle output out of sophisticated technologies! It is a product of high potential and ingenuity, if not a need, a satisfactory need for our purchasing concerns.

To put in general, the COIN is simply another card that acts as a placeholder for the sheer volume and types of cards you use every day. Say, instead of using 10 cards of 4 different categories, you will have one simple electronic card that will individually act as a card as per your choice and needs.

Using this card in your daily life is another simple wonder. To add your details to this card, you need to simply have an App (in iOS or Android for now with upcoming support for windows phone) that is connected to your COIN. When you purchase this COIN, you also get a hardware interface connecting this device to your cell phone. Then you just need to take a photo of the card with your phone and BAM, the card is available for selection and use. Imagine one single card doing all the functions of cards you had ever bought, presently have and are likely to buy in future. At a modest price of 100$, this product is surely an asset and convenience in the long run.

If you ponder over securities and other glitches associated with this card, this card uses the same technologies of cryptography that are used in other cards with an additional freedom of choosing one from many. It can store your important details, but not enough details to be cracked open by anyone. It is almost similar to your normal looking card, with just about a millimetre thicker. The sturdy build quality and water resistance enable you to use it just like other cards and place it in your wallet while traveling everywhere.

The feature that I absolutely loved about this device is its constant interaction with your phone through a low-powered Bluetooth connectivity. Say for instance you forget it somewhere, it will immediately send a message to your device mentioning it has gone beyond coverage and get deactivated to avoid tempering. You can reactivate it again by logging into your personalized account through your phone.

Despite this, it comes with a 2 year battery life. Just buy it once and enjoy a hassle-free buying comfort for 2 years by focusing just on your buying needs and choices. Although a lot of people have pre-ordered this wonderful product, I have certainly added myself to this long line and eagerly waiting for one. What about you, did you book yours too?

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