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The Stories We Don’t Share: 3 Accounts Of Violence And Abuse In Families, And The Silence Around It

This film shares the voices of three young people who share some hard-hitting insights into the reality of silence around violence and abuse in our families.

“Tragically, this is wrong. The most dangerous place for too many children around the world is their own home, where they should be safest,” said Dr. Kirsty Nowlan, director of public policy for World Vision International. Interviews with more than 11,000 people aged 16 and over from 28 countries around the world found that 61 per cent of people think that “out there” – public transportation and other public places – is where children are most likely to be at risk. However, tragically this is wrong. The report says that immediate family members are the most common perpetrators of all forms of abuse, accounting for 34 per cent of reported cases where the perpetrator was known. Globally, more than three quarters (76%) of people know of a child victim of violence, and nearly one third (30%) know one personally.

‘Fearing Wrong: Why What Doesn’t Scare Us Should’, a new global survey led by World Vision and Ipsos Reid, reveals that people around the world think violence against children is a common, growing and under-reported problem, yet one that is still surrounded in misconception and misunderstanding.

Video by Agenda 1, which is a pilot research and media project to understand the root causes and drivers that normalize issues of abuse and violence against children and adolescents.

To know more about what I think of this video, follow me on twitter at @Akhil1490


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