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Asexuality is Equal To Celibacy and 9 Other Myths About Aces

By Mandira Kar for Cake

The last alphabet of LGBTQIA+ is the least discussed topic in the gender/sexuality circle and is as good as invisible. The “A” in the acronym stands for Agender, Aromantic, Asexual and Allies. Here, we will concentrate only on asexuality and the related myths.

Asexuality is as natural an orientation as being straight or gay. The research on asexuality is still in its nascent stage, but so far does not disprove it as any disorder. According to the Collective Identity Model put forward by David Jay, an asexual is a person who uses this term to describe themselves. This urge to identify oneself as “asexual” stems from the need to dissociate oneself from culturally dominant ideas of sexuality in the society. The less we know about something, the more we are prejudiced against it. Asexuality, therefore, needs to be discussed more to clear the fogginess surrounding it. Given its veiled status, the number of myths looming over asexuality is staggeringly high. Some are funny, some are offending downright and the remaining are plain dumb. Unless and until asexuality gets its due exposure, these myths will continue in the collective consciousness.

1. Asexuality Is Equal To Celibacy

Celibacy and asexuality are two wholly different things. Celibacy refers to the suppression of sexual urge for religious or other reasons, whereas asexuality is the lack of sexual urge. Plain and simple. For various reasons ranging from either to please one’s sexual partner or just to be a mother, some asexuals do experience sex. There are quite a number of asexuals who are married and have children.

2. Asexuals Are Impotent

Far from it. Asexuality is not impotence. Asexuals may have their reproductive organs in fine working condition, and some even participate in sex, although they might not enjoy it. They have the capability but not the urge.

3. Asexuals Are Just Homosexuals In Denial

Homosexuals feel sexual attraction towards their own gender and they know it even if they might choose to remain in the closet for various reasons. Asexuals, on the other hand, do not feel sexual attraction towards any gender but they might feel romantic attraction to one or more genders.

4. Asexuality Can Be Treated…

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