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A “DAMINI” cries !

Isn’t it idiotic that a victim needs to get ashamed of being a victim?
That happens in a country like ours in rape cases.
The one who is the convict of the crime can live happily after his punishment is over but the one who suffered once, suffers for the rest of her life. She is secluded from the rest of the society, she is treated as a sinner.
The marks on her body vanish with time. But the scars on her soul? What about them? They remain unaltered.The situation gets worse with every single sentimental attack she suffers. Her dress up is questioned and so is her character. They keep on finding a hint just to blame the victim. They keep a blind eye on numerous questions that remain unanswered after every such case.
And when they ain’t able to find any reason to blame her, she is marked as “impure”, a tag that she is supposed to carry till she dies.
The purity of a girl is all about her private parts? It’s all about her virginity?
It’s like a handicapped is being beaten again and again till he forgets that his limbs ever existed.
Similarly, she is made to suffer and finally she forgets that a girl ever existed in her.

Female Infanticides, foetecides, dowry and rapes. Life of girl is not less than a grave.
Girls are the gifts to be preserved with utmost care and respect.
Every now and then,
On the bus stop or parking lot.
Either She gets scared of silence.
or walking through whistles,
she is gazed by evil eyes.
Somewhere, Somehow!
Within every girl,
A “Damini” cries.
Devils around her chuckle at their vicious victory.
Please ! Let the demons realise that era of angels is never over.
Or wait till someone close to you becomes the victim !!
Your wish!

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