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Explore The Inner Dimension

It’s been really long I wanted to write about this, something which should be a part of our daily life but we hardly care because we don’t know what part it plays in our lives.
Recently we have started to celebrate something new on 21st June, the oldest thing but still new to us, you would have got a little idea what I’m talking about. How many of you did really went out to do yoga or did in your rooms? I know a few of them would have but the only handful. You know the new facility baba Ramdev have provided to do yoga in your rooms, even you can’t do gym that way Something that is so easy way yet we don’t want to do, there could be any reason or simply just because “who gets up to do yoga in the morning”
But i feel most of us the “our” generation don’t know about yoga, i usually hear why are you doing yoga you are already thin after all yoga is about reducing weight.
Yoga is not about postures, turning and twisting your body, The word yoga means literally means “union” or “to merge” More than a set of physical postures or exercises, science to determine the nature of who you are and what you want to be.
It is about experiencing yourself and knowing about the inner dimensions, yoga was never just about your body that is something beyond that, providing you physical and mental fitness, joy and happiness. Have you tried getting up in the morning sit in a park with nature, the birds the wet grass, just close your eyes at that moment you’ll attain inner peace
“Of all the things in the world, of all the things that a human being can do, why yoga? Everything that human beings can do is essentially an expression of who they are. Somebody sings a song… somebody dances, somebody writes a book, somebody paints a picture – whatever else we do, is an expression of who you are. You may be conscious of it, you may be unconscious of it but still, everything that you say, everything that you do, everything that comes out of you is essentially an expression of who you are. So yoga, in that way is diametrically opposite to this because it’s not an expression of who you are; it’s about determining as to who you are. It’s about determining as to what you want to be, changing the very fundamentals of one’s existence. Today there is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show that the very fundamentals of the activity of your brain, your chemistry, even your genetic content can be changed by practising different systems of yoga. This needed no confirmation because we have always witnessed this, but today there is scientific data to prove this” – #SadhguruJaggiVasudev
So I believe the process of yoga is beyond the physical existence to the journey of knowing ourselves getting conscious and alert about the process we are in, let it be the part of your daily lives and you will see the change.


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