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Elder care in India – fear to inclusion

It has been said that “We start dying the day we are born”. But the FEAR has catalytic impact on this process and can increase the rate we die everyday exponentially.

It all starts with the global setup we(Youth) all have opted out for. Current setup where children have to have out of the home town jobs and leave parents behind is fairly new concept in India.

The result of this setup is Isolation. Isolation is a terrible feeling that, if not addressed, leads to Insecurity. Insecurity is the worst sense which, if not tackled, leads to Fear. Fear leads to tragic deterioration of the quality of life no matter how much other resources you have in your life.

Isolation => Insecurity => Fear

Now the challenge in-front of us(Youth – Population ageing between 25–45) is how to get rid of this fear from our elders?

Answer is simple and it is the exact opposite of Isolation – “Inclusion

Safety => Security => Inclusion

Path to reach there is not that straightforward and simple. But we have to start today otherwise we are pushing our elders/parents more and more in the hell of Fear every day.

Elders are getting isolated because of Fear more than because of their health/body not allowing them to be part of inclusive society.

They can’t break this barrier of Fear on their own until some help is poured into.

GetCareOf is building the team of full time and dedicated care providers to tackle this huge problem in front of us. Subcontracted or commissioned based models(Uber/Ola) won’t work in this case as security of the people who got us on this earth is in the question. The need is to build the force of people who have sense of responsibility towards elders and can help us to get our elders back on the footprints of society.

But who needs to take action here? – You!!!

If you are living away from your elders and your parents are victim of this global setup and living in Fear or not doing what they wish, you have to come out and start a step.

Take a step forward and find a companion who can help you to help your parents.


Chetan Bharat

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