Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

For Fearless Daughters,Moms,Sisters,Brides,Friends of India.

What if all Women of India says NO VOTE!!

Let’s imagine all eligible female voters say No to Votes till the time all Pending Rape Cases are brought to Final Solutions And Decisions!!

NO VOTE till the time Strict Rule Of Decision Making for any Rape Case is given the deadline of a month to give the final decision.

No Wonder even any women in India could be a Nirbhaya on any unfortunate day. Because the Sick Men know they have time to subtle their Crimes. They can mute Screams, Chaos, Blames with the World’s Luxurious Weapon..Time!!


Well in India Time Heals Sins, Brutality, Crimes and Poisons Pain, Request, Help, Rights, Rules, Lives of Victims!!


  1. Dear Women Your No Can End Their Yes to Slaughter your Pride, Your Existence, Your Strength, Your Rights..

Build a Government to Serve you not to Rule your Vulnerabilities…

When you are the Priority for them then you may Vote for them..

Till then let them be granted the way your Voices are taken on Granted..

Your Decision Can Kill The Fear In You..

Revolution to live Fearless Lives.



Arjun Singh.


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