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HT Campus urges the society to think #BeyondMarks

“Thousands of people are listening, but what are you saying?” Moved and motivated by the desire to help spread awareness about the reality of life and misconceptions of society, the big guns of the virtual world decided to come together to spread one message – think #BeyondMarks.


From the likes of Bhuvan Bam of BB Ki Vines to Jeeveshu Alhulwalia,

All of us as adults understand that our board exam results hold little to no relevance, let alone importance in our lives. But the students who are taking Board examinations are made to realize that its result is the single most important thing in their life and is the sum total of their 14 years of education, which puts them under a lot of stress and sometimes even take extreme measures. While results are important and there is no substitute for hard work, marks are not something worth ending one’s life over.


The digital stars, through video messages and open letters reached 3 million people and including parents, teachers, relatives, students and made them realize of the unfair differentiation between students on the basis of their marks and urged them to #SayNoToMarksism


It was realized that the more we do not talk about things, the more power they get and hence with the aim to take away the power from board results, students were called to share their marks with everyone in a campaign called #ShareYourMarks


HT Campus bonded all these thoughts and ideas of Bhuvan Bam of BB Ki Vines, Ashish Chanchalani, Carry Minati, Jeeveshu Alhuwalia, Rishabh Rana, Sejal Kumar and Shalini Samuel of KnotMePretty under the #BeyondMarks initiative.


With 1.5M people engaged and 4Million reached, people came in full support of the initiative and posted supporting thoughts on various social platforms on the day of the result!


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