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what happens when eyes are open still nothing is visible!

Close your eyes. What do you see? Nothing right? It’s all black aren’t it, even if everything around you is as bright as possible, but when you close your eyes everything turns dark. This is when a person closes his eyes, but there are times where even when the eyes are open, one cannot see the light. His vision and mind gets so weak that it becomes very difficult to understand if the light around him is actually dim or if he is going through a mental breakdown, and that’s where it begins… “Depression”. Suicide cases of students, farmers or any other category of the people have increased exponentially. The reason behind 99% of these cases of cruelty of ending life is Depression. Once the news of a suicide is out, social media gets filled with the solutions over depression and the consequences of suicides. No one really cares about the reason behind the nightmare, do they? Even if they speak of reasons, no one really explains about the “Depression” or “The Darkness.”

Words are never enough to speak of the reasons behind depression. A girl is sexually abused and raped and that’s when the worst nightmare of her life starts. A six year old child sees his father beating his mom and he starts hating his dad, but as he grows up, he discovers why his father beat his mother everyday: an extramarital affair. In his childhood, he blamed his dad and directly or indirectly, both of them broke his trust. His parents being the most trustworthy people of his life, theirs being the most effective relation of his life and he had to feel pain and sadness rather than trust and love. And thus began the first stage, losing hopes on everyone, not trusting anyone again in his life. As he grew up, he couldn’t stop thinking that the history would only repeat with him and so even if he wasn’t married, he wouldn’t trust anyone even the person he had given his everything to. As time passed it all got saturated into him and it became the darkest thing of his life. This is what depression can do. Many more instances: A girl gets cheated. Someone uses her body to make a video to threaten her for more profits. Even if she wouldn’t be threatened she loses her dignity by loving and giving her everything to someone not worthy of it. What she had thought as love was actually a business for the other. This instance changes her as a person for her whole life. She wouldn’t see things even if people were ready to take her on the brightest side of life.

Here is one of the most devastating part. Parents send their children out of their sights for an education and a career. They struggle in their lives, like sleep on a floor, wear torn clothes, give up pleasures of life just to see their child get the happiest life ever, see their child sleep on a bed rather than the floor and make them wear fancy clothes as their friends do. And this is what happens next at most cases. Instead of keeping that trust by studying, he enjoys the freedom by wasting it all on booze and other bad habits. At the end of the day his parents see a totally different person who carries a cigar in one hand and alcohol in the other. That moment shatters the parents. Everything is over for them. This is the worst part of darkness what a parent can feel. Now a students who wants to gain a name for himself but karma isn’t with him and he fails in everything. His so called friends tease him, comment on him, his parents don’t understand and the hopes on him is just increasing till the point of FEAR. This is another thing that opens the gate to darkness. Another part of the world where a girl is not a virgin, she is open minded, she has a list of crushes, she wears make up, and her tops are deep enough that her cleavage is visible. She apparently gets called as a slut!! She hears her friends bitching about her. The very people for whom she did everything she can and they call her characterless. She loses her faith in humanity. People fail in their work, farmers get bankrupt and what not? Hell! Thousands of reasons and just one consequence… “Depression”  
The devil in the dark won’t leave easily, until it sucks all your blood, energy and makes you weak day by day as a sickness like cancer does. As long as you feel the pain, it is going to kill you. You have two options here: either drink it or drop it. Dropping the pain and problems is hard, as it leads to end of everything and by that I mean your life. Drinking the pain needs guts but once you work hard to digest it, you will be the strongest person on the planet, physically and mentally also. Dropping is hard because as you drop the pain and the darkness, you drop your dreams, your future and you lose the people you love and the ones who love you too. Believe me, it’s not easy to lose everything you are dreaming about. Drinking the darkness means opening your eyes and facing the reality. It is going to hurt, in fact it is going to pain like hell like being burnt till the highest temperature. But the scars are only going to make you strong and shine bright like a diamond. Once you are that shining diamond, what you need is to shape your life and find a perfect place to shine. The burnt scars will change your life. Those hot scars will make you as cold as moon.

If you follow this, the hard and long way of drinking the darkness, you can lead a totally different life with your loved ones. Dropping is small compared to drinking. And it is not easy too.  Ask for help when you require it, and whe
n it’s the right person, they will help you to drink it. Dropping isn’t solution to every problem. Drink it. Burn in the pain and you will definitely come out of the fire with a completely new version of yourself and with an extra ordinary future waiting ahead for you.


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