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Violence in the Name of Religion; Reasonable Enough?

This post was first published on the blog Humane ( ). And, after then, I have the opportunity now to set it in front of your eyes. 🙂



For the last few days (actually,months), we’ve seen enough unreasonable violence to just stay inside our rooms in comfort and speak no words against all this.
From GurMehar Kaur, the DU student who was trolled for putting her opinions, i.e., for exercising herFreedom of Speech, (or even someone
before her) to Junaid, the 15-year old killed in a train, for being a muslim.
How very ridiculous!
The violence that we see here is concerned to no religion – being of no religion, and against no religion (or, probably, all religions).

When violence is against a Muslim, it’s there that we have very good reasons to put a point which relates to some sacrilege according to Hinduism; and when it is against aHindu, we have a ‘vice-versa affair’ready.
So, it’s violence, more specifically, than we are yet bent to take it in the name of one religion, and against another; and I’ll say that violence has well beaten the intellect out of many of us.

Only a day ago did I get to talk to a good friend over this, who’s also an author and has had several articles already published regarding this violence that’s going on, and the comments she got were but shamefuland indeed enough to show which way our India goes with
violence as an option.
She being Simran Keshwani, the author of Becoming Assiya and an LSR-graduate in Literature.

An excerpt of our understanding I am glad to put below –

Jayant: Know that we’re standing against (intellectually) illiterate degree-holders. They never knew what visions and opinions mean.
Remember Krishna saying “Revenge is the purest form of emotion” in Bhagwad Gita. They’re indeed high on it in the name of religion; they don’t know (though) what to fight against!
And when you’ve opinions to put, they’ve their bombers ready with abuses, for that’s the easiest thing to do.
Simran: Why do they think they are so hateful of opinions that aren’t similar to theirs?
Jayant: Maybe they believe that crossing their boundaries is something like sacrilege.
Still those Varna-system people.
Simran: More than that!
Don’t you think it’s just fear?
Jayant: Yeah, I guarantee it is!
I believe fear is the beginning of violence, and loss of intellect breeds it.
Simran: So the issue we need to kill is fear.
Jayant: And how will you take over something that they aren’t ready to
accept they possess?
They think they’re free, and they give way to stigma!
Simran: Kindness. Reason. That’s all!
To come to think of it, fights are not going to solve a thing.
Jayant: Those (fights) never did.
But then, they take you to be weak when you come up to them with love,
for they never know what love is.
It’ll take time!
Simran: But it’ll be worth it.

Indeed, it’ll be worth it (ever) if it keeps a nation from flourishing (and, eventually, decaying) on the grounds of hate.

Lot much did we talk about this and what we had, ultimately, as a conclusion was violence would never make way for peace and visions.
So, what needs to be cleared up at the very moment is violence.
Religion never had to be a matter, but violence would ever bring it

PS: * Violence, most of the times, is doubtlessly unreasonable.
* I believe rightfully in that quote, “Revenge is the purest form of emotion,” from Bhagwad Gita, on a personal level, but Mahabharata or
Ramayana was each a different case; moreover, what we’re fighting against here, we don’t know that ourselves, at least not yet (and the day the direction is clear, our case shall be far better, violence still being a bad option though).


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