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Who will Stand with Rohingya Muslims


The world is wailing, the sky is mourning, earth is drenched in blood, stars are filled with tears, but unfortunately no one is there to listen the pain and agony of those victimized .on one side drums are beating on the other side chest are beating .on one side there is marriages and on the other end there is mourning. Life here is colorful and boon, life there is grim and gloom.

As the coin have two sides, the world also have two sides not the ones created after 2nd  world war as south and north blocks but today the division is different .It is   not based  on any geography  or boundary . The differentiation is majority vs. minority, powerful vs. powerless, culture vs. culture, religion vs. religion. There is a conflict and tussle in world .It is obvious but there are solutions too to settle the differences. But unfortunately in today’s world, solution has a negative connotation.

World is progressing day by day  .new technologies and new innovations are made to benefit the humankind but  today the technologies is improved  to obliterate  existence of the same .It is same like the slogan , flush the poor not the poverty .

The powerful nations are using different tactics on the weaker nations for their pity interests without caring their interests .It can be in the form hegemonic war for greater cause .It can be total, limited and Guerilla. The UN has lost its credibility .It has not remained an international forum but just a name for frame run by America and other powers.

Rohingya Muslims are massacred to ensure ethnic cleansing of a community different in ethnicity, religion, race and color. They are slaughtered, maimed, beheaded, mutilated, their body parts are chopped, thrown in leaping fires, women are raped, and children are tied with ropes .The brutal killing spree that is continuing in Myanmar is horrible. The gruesome pictures circulating on social media is heart piercing which   demands a stone or steel not a muscular human heart in your chest to see them  .How can a human being be so cruel, sadistic. Is this the teachings of Gautam Buddha? .off course not because no religion teaches oppression .All religions leads to the same goal. The noble laureate and state counselor Aung san su kyi statement about them is soul-piercing. It is unfortunate that a noble laureate speaks the language of Military with communal and radical views.

The question arises who will stand with Rohingya Muslims .Is there any one to listen their cries. Does humanity exists. Is conscience of people still alive .All these questions seems to mere terms and real action seems far . The neighboring countries have soul responsibility to aid and rescue but unfortunately India and Bangladesh who claim to champions of democracy are scooping them out. They prefer national integrity, sovereignty over humanity. If the world will not embrace them but at least they should raise voice and force Myanmar to end this genocide .It is time for world to show some action especially Muslim countries to come forward and wage a war against these nations and people because these are the real terrorists. If not now, then the most persecuted minority groups in the world will continue to suffer in the hands of majority .The human rights organizations, the UN and the big nations should intervene and ensure the safety of minorities. The word is changing and a new world order is being created which has espoused the fear psychosis in the minds of minorities and weak nations who are always prey for them .To safeguard the interests and aspirations of these people, intellectuals, Big guns, Human rights organizations need to access the situations and keep watch and vigil throughout the world .For a prosperous and safer life ,there should be a safe and free world.

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