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#MeToo: stories of women who went through sexual traumas

The stories have been shared with me through communications.

I have put them together #MeToo

we don’t need to be stronger, we need to be Unabused.


  1. The Peadophile

I was in class 6 when I barely learnt to spell ‘harassment’, today when I’m 22 I recall this one evening while I was returning from school and a relative,who also lived in the same society asked me to come over for some snacks insisting that my parents weren’t home.
I agreed and walked with him,it brings me jitters to remember what happened post that, he asked me to remove my uniform and sit with him,when I was hesitant he pulled me and unbuttoned it,touched me all over I could barely understand what was happening.
That event reoccured and I knew that something was wrong,I ran away, and never saw that man again.
The event did scar my childhood while I couldn’t focus on studies, I was deemed as a weird girl and never had friends till the last day of school.

-Druti Mishra


2.The Office gossip

Mid month in July 2015 I joined a finance management company, as days passed I got comfortable with my colleagues, I had two women friends to share my talk and meals with.
It was about 9pm when work ran late due to audits, when my senior executive Ashish insisted on dropping me home, to which I agreed.
He said he needed to use the washroom and requested me to wait for a few minutes,everyone had left and i remembered I had forgotten to pick my tiffin box from the pantry so I went to get it, when I returned I saw the main door was locked when I looked back I saw Ashish, I asked him to call the security to unlock the gate,
That night was the most horrid night for me.
He started to speak dirty and grabbed me, I pushed him away and pulled my phone out, the battery beeped and the phone died,I was scared I tried to reach the landline but in no time I was kicked and dropped on the floor, I was in withers.
I felt helpless while I was traveling home in that state.
I regret only filing a complaint.
Such men do not deserve a life.

– Anonymous


3.The cinema story

I am from Mumbai and like many other women I tried my skills in acting and modelling, everyone said I was made for this.
Soon enough I got an opportunity and I started shooting for a short film on a love story
It was this once during monsoon,it was raining heavy and the shoot was cancelled and a spot boy got me an umbrella I asked him to find me a cab to get home.
I regretted even asking him that,unlike industry incidences it was no casting couch or the co actor story
I was dragged in the cab,I was raped I was molested by that spot boy and his filthy gang,i cried for days I lost my mental stability, it brings me goosebumps each time I think of the incident.
Today it’s been 4 years for that dirty incident and I stand forgetting the past for a better future, I believe every woman has the power to live over all incidents that traumatize them, they do.


– Anonymous


4.The married debtors

I was married to a man from a wealthy family.
My parents believed I would be happy living the luxuries of life, which I did.
I had all the money to buy what I wanted but as cliché makes it sound I was not happy.
All I wanted to do is become a nice wife to him and be at his call, a woman can relate to this feeling.
Nothing went pleasant because this story was a case of marital rape, he asked me to do things i felt disgusted about, he forced me into irrational sex at odd times, I used to be swollen every morning,i was in pain but he said I could have his money to get treated, I gathered courage to speak to my mother about it, but being a conservative lady she told me that sex was imperative to marriage and that I couldn’t escape it.
But I wasn’t prepared to live my life watching myself cry in pain everyday.
I decide to file and divorce, I did have many problems during the course buy eventually I got out of it.
Today I live independent.


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