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Adopting greenhouse technology can boost agricultural growth

Agriculture sector is the backbone of Indian economy. Last 50 years has demonstrated a strong correlation between agricultural growth and economic development. If India wants to emerge as an economic power in the world then the agricultural productivity of the country should be equal to those nations, which are currently rated as economic power of the world. In order to achieve this, we need an effective technology that can improve the productivity, sustainability and the profitability of our farming system.

Greenhouse farming technology

Growing plant is both an art and science as well, around 95% of plant – whether food crop or cash crop are grown in open area. With the time, man has developed methods of growing high value crops by providing protection from excessive weather conditions. As there are some areas where climatic conditions are extremely adverse and no crops can be grown.  This leads to greenhouse farming in India. Greenhouse farming is a technique of providing a favourable climate condition to the plant, with the help of plant growth chamber.

Plant growth chamber are framed structures covered with translucent or transparent materials which are large enough to grow crops under fully controlled environmental condition to get optimum growth and productivity.


Understanding this, the need of greenhouse farming Saveer Biotech Limited – a leading greenhouse manufacturer, has come up with state-of-the-art Plant Growth Chamber offering wide range of temperature, light intensity pattern and humidity control features.

Apart from plant growth chamber SAVEER also provides Arabidopsis growth chamber that is used for growth of the Arabidopsis plant.

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