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Why Should You Know About Pernicious Anemia?

Anemia is a health condition where the body lacks sufficient hemoglobin or red blood cells. These cells contain hemoglobin that is vital for transporting oxygen to the body tissues. The hemoglobin count in men should not be less than 13.5 grams for 100 ml and for women it should not be less than 12 grams for 100 ml. In case a human has reduced levels of hemoglobin, he or she suffers from anemia. However, the above definitions can vary as per laboratory references and sources.

Anemia that harms the body in a deadly way

The term pernicious anemia is given to that state of anemia that is injurious or dangerous to the person. When there is a minor or major interruption in the production of hemoglobin or red blood cells, the individual suffers from anemia or blood loss from the body.

In the case of pernicious anemia, you will find many nucleated cells that are forerunners called megaloblasts are present. They do not perform the function of red blood cells and a person suffers from this condition when there is a lack of vitamin B-12 inside the gastric mucosa of the body. The name pernicious was derived before scientists discovered that vitamin B-12 could treat this condition of anemia. In the past, most people died from it.

Diagnosis of Pernicious Anemia

The Elisa test is recommended to patients that are suspected of having pernicious anemia. The treatment is based on the Elisa results interpretation and differs from individual to individual.

Causes of Pernicious Anemia

When a person suffers from the inability to absorb vitamin B-12 in the human body from the gastrointestinal tract, he or she suffers from pernicious anemia. People get their sources of the B-12 vitamin from dairy and meat products. The human body can store vitamin B-12 for a very long time, and so if a person suffers from pernicious anemia, the condition might have been present for a very long time before the diagnosis took place. This form of anemia is diagnosed in people with the average age of 60 years.

An auto-immune condition that harms your body

Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease. The auto-immune system of the human body unknowingly causes damages to its tissues. There is a protein in the body that is known as the intrinsic factor and inadequate amounts of B-12 causes an autoantibody that goes against this essential factor. The crucial factor needs to absorb the vitamin B-12 in the stomach to aid the process of digestion in the body. In the absence of the vitamin, the body reacts adversely, and the cells in the stomach lining cause an inflammation that harms the body.

Besides the reduced transportation of oxygen being carried by the body, additional symptoms of pernicious anemia include shortness of breath and fatigue. The deficiency of vitamin B-12 interferes with the function of the nervous system. If you are not diagnosed in time with pernicious anemia, a lot of damage is done to the nervous system.

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