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What Happened When Young People in Delhi Were Called ‘Bigda Hua’

You won’t flinch if you had to say “Get lost”, “Buzz off”, “What’s your problem?” to a stranger poking her/his nose into your affairs. But replace the stranger with someone you see day in and day out – parents, an uncle or an aunt. You’ll never find words respectful enough to tell them to mind their own business.

Having been there myself, I can’t help but empathize. Apart from the larger things of having the ideal career, smaller everyday aspects of our lives also, fall under the jurisdiction of society. Everyone has their opinion of how a “good” person should sit, stand, style their hair….

The only way to break free of carrying the burden of everyone’s expectations and criticism is to become a proud member of the Bigda Hua Ladka/Ladki club!

Membership is easy and you don’t have to worry about formalities. All you need to do is be yourself. You don’t necessarily have to be a doctor or engineer. As surprising as this may sound, you can pursue your dream career! You can marry if, when and who you wish. You can stay out for as long as you like, with whoever you like. There is no dress code. The Bigda Hua Ladka/Ladki club benefits are applicable all over the world and it’s completely free of cost!

You’ll agree it’s an offer you can’t refuse. So, come add colour to our Bigda Hua party and share your stories of how you were honoured with the Bigda Hua title.

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