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india at 70



INDEPENDENT INDIA WAS BORN ON 15 AUGUST 1947 WITH AN ARMY OF GOALS to be accomplished as our colonial masters looted our country for 200 years. Before the British invasion India was the richest and most flourished country of the world but during the colonial regime India was totally broke and was burdened by problems like low per capita income, poor infrastructure, illiteracy, lack of industrial development, poverty. In these 70 years India did a superlative job attaining some serious targets. Life expectancy grew to 68.89 years which was 32 years at the time of independence, eradicated polio and epidemics only due to improved health facilities. Literacy rate changed from 12% that was at the time of independence to 74% now. India is producing world class engineers, entrepreneurs, and doctors every year which represents our nation in every corners of the globe. India is doing great in infrastructure development as India’s rail network is the 2nd largest rail network in the world with a total road length increasing from 0.399 million km in 1951 to 5.472 million km in 2015. India has emerged as Asia’s 3rd largest producer of electricity. India is touching great heights in space technology as ISRO is setting milestones day after day. ISRO is the 4th agency to reach on Mars making India the first nation to achieve this in first attempt and recently ISRO launched 104 satellites in one go and created a world record. But with great achievements comes great forfeit. On one hand Incredible India promises economic prosperity, greater opportunities, better infrastructure etc. But on the other hand, our government and citizens constantly fight battles against poverty, illiteracy, gender bias and many such social evils. The condition of indian politics is at a new low. Politicians dividing the citizens on the basis of their religion and caste. Minorities are being oppressed by the self pro claimed right wing activists. There is a fear among all the minority groups. Cases of mob lynchings are on a high and its rising with time because of no strict decisions taken against the guilty. All these social evils are creating obstacles for our country’s development.  Infact these problems taking India backward.  Incidents like killing on the basis of eating habit of a person is appalling. The foundation of India 70 years ago was laid upon communal harmony and now it is being annihilated. “Communal Harmony is the most important pre-condition for feeling of Unity and National Integration in India”, that’s what Google says when you search communal harmony. The whole world knows that India is a country where we all have freedom of practicing any religion. But some hindu fundamentalist wants to harm the integrity of our country. It’s a high time to eradicate these social evils from our country if we want a prosperous and progressive nation. We all love this country and we all will work to make our country great again

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