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Lightweight Down Comforter – A Comforter for All Seasons

The lightweight down comforter is a comforter for all seasons. It keeps you warm during the cold winter nights, while not being too heavy for spring. These comforters come in many sizes and colors, leaving you with many choices for your bed. There are several criteria you can narrow your choices with. Weight, fill power, and fill type can help you figure out which comforter is right for you.

•    Fill Type

Fill type refers to what goes into the comforter. It’s the substance that makes the comforter plush. Generally lightweight down comforters are filled with goose down or duck down. Some of these include Siberian white duck down and Hungarian white goose down. Down is the cottony coating under the feathers of ducks, geese, and other waterfowl. If you’re allergic to geese, pick duck down and vice versa.

•    Alternative Down Comforter

Made of polyester or gel, alternative down is another down comforter filling. It’s just as soft as the down made from goose or duck but provides a hypoallergenic option. It also is a good option for those who don’t want to use animal products. These comforters are generally also less expensive than those made from goose or duck. In addition, they are easier to clean as most are machine washable.

•    Fill Power

The fill power of a lightweight comforter is the volume of a single ounce of down. “Lofty” down comforters have high fill power. They have better insulation than those with low fill power. The ones made with high fill power cost more than those made with low fill power. You can find how much fill power a down comforter has in its product description. Knowing this is important because it will depend on your climate, the temperature of your home, the season of the year, and your own personal body temperature. You want to be sure to pick a fill power that agrees with all of these.

•    Weight

Weight will determine which down comforter is suited for what season. The heavier ones are better for colder seasons, while the lighter ones are better for warmer seasons. The fill power will also come in handy here, because that will determine weight. The high fill power ones will be heavier than the low fill power ones. The high fill power, which will be heavier, is obviously better suited for the colder temperatures.

•    Material

Silk, Egyptian cotton, polyester, Pima cotton, or microfiber are all the types of material that down comforters are made of. Each one has its own different sensation. Silk is the most expensive and hardest to clean. Egyptian cotton feels great and is machine washable. Also machine washable is Pima. Polyester and microfiber are the least expensive and the best choices if you are allergic to cotton or silk.

The down comforter is a great means of keeping warm. They come in all bed sizes, so that you can enjoy one for every bed in your house. Keep warm with the down comforter for any season of the year.

About Author

If you have trouble sleeping at night because you find it difficult to get comfortable, then you should certainly give a Lightweight Comforter a shot at making you sleep happy. You can find out more details about Hypoallergenic Comforter quality brand at Sleep & Beyond.

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