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What is it that the Indian youth are doing wrong?

  1. You are not Hrithik Roshan from Zindagi Na Milegi Doobara. Dreaming that there will be one fine morning when they will dramatically wake up to find their purpose of life and everything will start working out on its own . There is no big dramatic moment that’s waiting to happen for you. Life is all about small choices and every day decisions you make. You have to put yourself out there in the world, try different things, fail and try again to stumble upon your true calling or passion or purpose or whatever you want to call it.
  2. Wanting to be a millionaire by 25! Or achieve the same level of fame and success as some of the world class performers without actually putting in the daily effort and boring repetitive actions for hours to reach a level where the world gives a shit about them.
  3. Wasting their time by overthinking their mistakes or wrong choices as if they’re going to die tomorrow. We all fuck up, the only difference is that as a young person life will give you so many more opportunities to make up for your mistakes than someone who’s old
  4. Expecting their lives in India to be like an American sitcom and complaining all the time when that doesn’t happen. We are the most FREE generation in the history of independent India.You can never fully live like like the characters from F.R.I.E.N.D.S or How I Met Your Mother in India. Even if you go away from home, away from the country, or go to Mars you will be answerable to your family in someway. Those people in the TV aren’t born in a collective society like you. So stop complaining all the friggin time about ‘lack of freedom’
  5. Spending an obscene amount of money to buy a new iPhone or some new flash gadget. The way to keep yourself updated and with the time is not about buying the latest gadget, but by actually reading and learning about the latest things in your field of interest. That’s the only thing that’s going to get you wider recognition in the long run.
  6. Boxing themselves according to the societies rules instead of making their own rulesDon’t box yourself with society’s definition of what you ought to achieve and not to achieve by a certain age. Everyone has their own time to shine in the universe
  7. Having stupid role models on Instagram and Snapchat who make them feel more insecure instead of making them feel inspired. Your role models are not on Instagram and Snapchat. They are right there in your house. Your parents. Your grandparents. No, I’m not making a sentimental point. The right kind of role models are those who show up at their job every single day. Do the things (even the ones they hate doing) that they need to do because that’s he right and noble thing to do. To be responsible towards someone other than yourself and not be a self absorbed selfie clicking jerk.
  8. Not paying attention to their physical health. They take it for granted and ride on their youthful exuberance, Exercise and watch your food. Metabolism is going to shut down on you very very soon. Form the habit of exercising and eating good in your 20’s and you will be the sexy beast that you are when you hit 30
  9. Holding on to toxic people in your life. Not cutting off toxic people from your life is a very common mistake young people make. Some people are just not worth the pain in your butt. Just cut them loose sooner than later. There are so many interesting things going around you to waste your time with a toxic person. There’s only one life, and shitty people don’t deserve to rob the magic out of your life.
  10. No ones going to remember or give a flying fuck about your 10th standard or 12th result when you are 35. So chill. After a certain age the world only cares about what you’ve actually done in the real world.

Indian youth is 350+ million people. So any question like this is going to attract a lot of generalization. But this is what I’ve observed (and also been guilty of doing as a young Indian)


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