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Eradicating Terrorism or Terrorists


April 30 1945 was the day when the anti- Semitic leader Adolf Hitler was declared dead in his bunker. From his rise during the World War II to this day in the 21st century the World history is incomplete without Adolf Hitler. We have always remembered him for the brutality that he has performed against the Jews in Germany. Hitler and the Nazis believed that the Germans were from the superior Aryan race and Jews were responsible for events like losing in World War I, the economic crisis in Germany and all the problems that Germans had faced. Historians have named him an, “Artist of hatred and holocaust”.

Many such Hitler’s are born and present across the globe to this day, who showcase their love & affection for their country, religion and community by killing others. Currently we are facing many ISM’s such as; Feminism, Hinduism, Islamism and the most dreadful one Terrorism. Terrorism is one such subject that is effecting the entire globe. Be it any part of the continent and this dreadful act has taken place to suffice their egoistic ideals. Terrorism has raised its head in every century where we are able to witness the other side of the human behaviour. A question arises,” that when we all are created the same way by our creator, why is it that some turn into a cannibal? Our society is facing the biggest threat from different terrorist groups and individuals inspired by them.

The hatred that is built in every human by an another human is a huge cobweb together with many politicians, clergyman/woman and individuals who have suffered the consequences of war or riots. The entire act of Terrorism is divided into three major portions:

The planning was not only related to questions such as, ” When, How & Where an attack should take place, but questions like where the training camps will be set up? Through which way they could enter easily and escape all the security layers? From which country these deadly weapons and nuclear bombs will be available to them and how? Selecting victims so that they could work as suicide bombers for them and even after months or years of training what if the person backs out at the last minute? The entire mission will be a failure for them if any of the following  questions were unanswered. In spite of all the terror that we face there are countries who support and let them hide in their land. Imagine all these efforts to kill thousands of them and above all they take pride in executing the entire dreadful act and claim themselves as “Shaheed”(Martyr). This is a bitter truth of life, “where humans are taking pride in killing an another human.”

So what is the difference between Adolf Hitler, these Terrorists in different lands and also the Maoist which are spreading the terror within the land? Nothing…………….Be it the Lashkar-e – Taiba asking for Azad Kashmir from India and spreading terror in the valley or Bastar and many other small places in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh protecting their land from the “Zamindar’s” by holding guns in their hand. Rebels In North – east part of India and many more which are within the borders.  Many Middle Eastern countries are still holding deadly weapons against the Americans or the Western Society . Such as Taliban or the famous Osama Bin Laden. But any of these acts accomplished by these so called Rebel’s…..were they really against the system? All we had lost were innocent lives in these attacks. None of them were spared. They claim themselves as “Rebels” against an injustice system and for their rights. Are Guns the only way out to their problems? Picking a gun or handing a gun to fight for their rights is that Ethical?

Reading various books, articles and newspaper we have always read a story from one end……as in either from the government or the victims point of view. I feel a story will have three sides i.e. one from the governments point of view, other from the victim or the survivor and the last one from the attackers point of view. Definitely, the attackers are in no way ethical……….but I always think, were they born terrorist ? or was it the situation that turned them into one? In spite of reading various writings on terrorism….not to forget also from the Terrorist point of view…..I fail to understand the motive behind their heinous acts.  Although, there are questions that arises for all these terrorist irrespective of their religion, within borders or across borders…….Is the system having too many loopholes? Have they created them to spread terror in the society? Are they incapable of putting an end to this entire havoc that is created about and because of Terrorism? Were the Americans ethical when they attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan? Were they ethical when they declared war in Afghanistan or Iraq? Even they killed many innocents. Japan was facing problems even after years of bombing by the Americans. Though, the Japanese neither took a revenge nor did they support the  idea of producing these deadly atomic bombs. But yes there are some who think it is their duty, “Terrorism is Duty and assassination is a Sunnah.” – Abu Musab Al- Suri, The Call for Global Islamic Resistance (from the book The Exile by Cathy Scott- Clark & Adrian Levy.

Surprisingly the inventor of these atomic bombs, Albert Einstein was aware of the dangers that we were going to face in the future. In November 1954, five months before his death, Einstein summarized his feelings about his role in the creation of the atomic bomb: “I made one great mistake in my life… when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification – the danger that the Germans would make them.” (Clark, pg. 752).Germans were fortunate enough that they had not to face another Adolf Hitler in the coming decades. But in this current situation of Terrorism, not just me but across the globe there is terror that yet another terrorist might be born in their neighborhood which they are unaware of.

So what can be the possible solution to this dangerous ISM “Terrorism”. How are these official’s going to recognize whether a particular person is a Terrorist or a common man? How are we going to stop the hatred that is spreading like fire in the society through various means? Every day we read one news from the Valley(Kashmir) that either a Militant is killed or an Army man has been a Martyr. Although, the militant turns to be a Hero after his death and the entire Valley mourns on his death. So was an Army man wrong on his path to fight against these Terrorist ? Several questions are unanswered since ages now. I strongly feel that this Global Issue has to be taken care by all the Countries collectively and stand against it with a Firm decision rather than focusing on “Political Gains”. Yes, many measures are taken to eradicate terrorists, but they aren’t sufficient. This is the time where we all need to take a Vow to not only Kill a Terrorist but also to Eradicate Terrorism from the society forever.

Will ever HumanIsm take over the other deadly ISM’s in our society?

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