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I Write To Do My Bit, Because Change Is Sometimes Just A Click Away

I think I was about eight years old when I began to observe my mother going out of her way to help everyone around. I was too young then to make sense of the reason behind her noble acts, but having grown up in such a household, I imbibed this quality from her somewhat.

Much later in life, I figured out her thought process and beliefs. She often told me – “Not everything is good in this world and we are among the blessed ones who have the resources to make a difference and have the power to touch lives. We are not doing anyone a favour by doing our bit to give back to the world. We are a part of this world and whatever we do for its betterment is for everyone, including us.”

As I grew up, these words became entrenched in my core. They have become me. And over the years, I have realised how true this ideology is. From seemingly minuscule and random efforts to getting actively involved with NGOs – doing my bit became my way of life. I felt a sense of immense gratitude whenever I was bestowed with an opportunity to influence my milieu positively. However, I was utterly oblivious of the fact that there was a powerful tool within me whose potency was waiting to be unleashed – a force which would someday open up new avenues to reach out to those sitting miles away from me.

Unlike most writers, I was actually pushed into this profession. My husband saw potential in my arbitrary musings, and I thought it was a preposterous idea to share them with the general public. After all, it was only a hobby, and I never thought highly about my writing prowess. But, he believed in me. He had unwavering faith in my talent. While I was struggling to deal with the humungous changes that childbirth brought into my life, he spent days creating a website for me. I felt I owed it to him and decided to give this a try.

While I was still toying with different ideas for my first blog, I happened to visit a school for the differently-abled along with my parents and infant. It was a life-altering experience which made me ponder. I felt a nudge – and then, I just knew that this had to be my first article. I poured my heart out as I vigorously pressed the keys of my laptop in rhythmic tandem with the thoughts racing inside me. That day, I realised that something as mundane as clicking the “Publish” button could be deeply fulfilling.

In my post, I had mentioned the contact information and bank account details of the school – just in case someone wanted to contribute money for their development. Within a couple of days, there were at least 10 people who willingly came forward to lend a hand in the school’s progress and also donated money towards achieving this objective. And then it hit me. It hit me that words have a power which is unparalleled. Words can make, words can break, words can influence, words can provoke, words can hurt and words can heal.

There has been no looking back ever since this realisation struck me. I have been using the power of my voice to reach out to people and to share my views and suggestive solutions about different issues plaguing our society. Just by virtue of merely 26 alphabets, I can initiate healthy dialogues and constructive discussions. I can make a stranger on the other side of the globe, feel that someone understands them. I am able to give strength to people to stand up for themselves, and I am able to motivate others to speak up. With these 26 letters, I am able to raise relevant questions about outdated customs and notions and can create the ripples of humanity we are in frantic need of, today.

I write to do my bit. I write to use my passion for a purpose. I write to be the change I wish to see in the world. I write because it is one of the best outlets for my own emotions and it helps me to be a better person.

I want to take this opportunity to thank platforms like YKA for giving us a safe and sane space to express ourselves without the fear of being judged. It is a platform that supports a rational voice with no personal agenda, and I wish it grows from strength to strength in the years to come. More power to the pen of all writers who are a part of this wonderfully inclusive, pragmatic and path-breaking community. The beginning of change is truly just a click away.

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