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I Know You Are Busy, But With What Really?

You wanted to write something for many months but never got the time. Even today you don’t have time, but you will write and write your heart out.

What’s the point in being busy, when you don’t know why you are busy and whether this is helping you to grow as a person? You sacrifice everything, your home, your time with your parents, your me time while being busy, but what have you got? You were busy, you are busy and you will be BUSY. Find some time for yourself, your family and to relax sometime.
This is Mumbai, they say that this city never sleeps and it’s true. People from every stratum come here, some for jobs and some to create jobs. Each of them has a dream and wants to achieve that as soon as possible, as easy as possible.
Every day, you get up and rush to catch your local train so that you get a seat to sit. Most of the time you fail, but sometimes you succeed. It gives you the taste of success, very less, but it does. In a minute, the whole train fills up with the commuters. They are strangers, but not different from you, because yesterday one of them was on the seat you are on today. So it tells you nothing is permanent, even your success on the seat.
You discuss with your friends and colleagues every day about something which you really love and want to do, but you find an excuse about not having enough time and never doing what you love. Revisit the conversations which you had about your passion and calculate the time you spent on excuses. If you would have saved that and pursued your dream then you could have discussed the thing which you love and did. I know that you know how it feels when you really do something which you love and are passionate about.
Stop for a while, close your eyes and take a deep breath and exhale. Spread your arms, look at the sky and feel the infinity outside… and inside. You are unstoppable, you are your driver, you can do whatever you like, you have all the things which you need to accomplish your goals and pursue your dream. Go Go Go.
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