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What The Transition From School To College Feels Like

Passing out from school is a milestone in life, and when the first day of college comes, the jitters and excitement are not unheard of. While we do talk about the good things that college brings, there is another side to it too, and it’s time to address the other side of the coin.

Many students enter college with a confidence that is instilled in school. In college, life takes a U-turn. They suddenly get a reality check, and two things happen. They suddenly get a plethora of ideas in their head, regarding what they want to do. The second thing that happens, all ideas eventually started getting washed out from their mind because something or the other ticks them off.

At the age of 19 and 20, students start feeling the pressure to decide something worthwhile for themselves. It is not just the pressure to do well for oneself but also the expectations that fall like a burden on the shoulders of the student and makes them feel like it isn’t easy to reach where they have aimed. Lack of understanding and support from family may lead students to go into depression and trigger anxiety issues.

Growing up brings responsibilities. We come with the idea of learning and enjoying college at the same time. But, by the beginning of the second year, it might start to sink in that one needs to start working towards a future that proves to be beneficial. The mental pressure can be very agonising.

Many of us start overthinking as we join college and can succumb to the pressure to do well. Therefore, when we talk about mental pressure, it shouldn’t be considered a taboo. It is important that we work towards support systems, forming them and being a part of them. Asking for help is one of the first things to do.

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