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Do we really need to free ourselves from the dungeon of digitalisation?

Today, technology has wrapped the whole world. Everyone seems busy doing something productive either for business or for pleasure. People tend to spend a lot of time surfing the internet. Although it means more freedom and choices for people but at the same time we have to consider the social imbalance, mass destruction and natural resource destruction. Through increasing use of blackberries, we have got a power to express ourselves.there are those moments when you really should be doing something else, but the buzz of the BlackBerry draws you to its screen again and again and again.
No less an authority than the New York time posits that “computers and cellphones, and the constant stream of stimuli they offer, pose a profound new challenge to focusing and learning.”
Gadgets help us do things fast. But sometimes, it’s worth wondering whether their constant, glowing allure helps us do them well.
These cell phones and computers have been around since 1980s. Before that computers used to be a big machines used for data processors and payroll. In the video TOD MAFFIN, a technology consultant, takes a hard look on how computers and cell phones affects our families and co- workers. Increasing use of blackberries leads to increase stress, burnouts and lack of personal connection and great source of distraction, decrease job satisfaction and life satisfaction as well.

Text messages are swiftly replacing face-to-face interactions and even phone calls, affecting our social development and our ability to relate to others. According to MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle, this flight from conversation “can compromise our capacity for self-reflection,” a skill that is the bedrock of personal development. According to a study, between 6 to 10% of population that’s online meet criteria of internet addiction. The worst of all this is that instead of managing the technology, we are being managed by it. We need to take an immediate action to control the technological impact on our lives before it gets too late.

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