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Just Launched For You: Youth Ki Awaaz Polls

Hello there,

This is Lipi. I am the Growth Editor at Youth Ki Awaaz. Today, I am writing to share an important and exciting update – we have just launched a new feature to help you understand what young India thinks about issues you care about. Introducing (drrrrumroll) Youth Ki Awaaz Polls!

When you are writing a post on Youth Ki Awaaz, you’ll see the option in the menu. Just click on ‘Add Poll’ to get started. 


Once you’ve created your poll and hit publish, you’ll be able to see the final preview which looks like the poll below: 

Okay, so that was pretty easy, but here’s the bigger question – Why should you create a poll on Youth Ki Awaaz?

Here are the top three reasons: 

1. Public opinion is the new superpower. In a few years, India will be the world’s youngest country – and while our country’s average age is under 30, our Parliament’s average age is close to 60. Youth opinions are constantly left out of mainstream discourse. Let’s change that. 

2. To break out of our bubble, and understand how young India can disagree or think differently. Our social media feeds are often filled with opinions very similar to ours. YKA is visited by young people across tier 1 and 2 Indian cities, from all the states. You never know how your perspective may be further shaped by just one poll. 

3. It’s a super quick, easy and time-efficient way to spread awareness and gauge public opinion on hot-button issues, and using that data to advocate for social good. For instance, if 500 young people think that the government should act on a certain issue, you could Tweet or write to the concerned government official and show them your poll. It’s a super efficient way to take action on issues you care about.

And how can you ensure that hundreds do take your polls? 

1. Keep your question simple and easy to understand, with direct, pointed options. A straight-forward question with a Yes/No option can also get hundreds of responses.

2. Combine the issues you care about with trending news. For instance, if you care about the politics in your state, use a current event or news piece to establish the urgency of your poll. You can also use latest news within your poll itself. For e.g., ask people whether they found a latest speech, video, movie or initiative powerful. This will enable more responses, and urge more people to share your poll too.

3. As soon as your poll is live, share it on your social media profiles. Once you cross a satisfactory number of responses, publish the results on Youth Ki Awaaz with a short para on what you think the final result indicates.

I am so excited for you to start using this feature. Do share your thoughts on, @lipi_meh on Twitter or just leave a comment on this post. And as for now, do share some quick feedback:

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