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No One Is Minority, No One is Majority, Every One Is Equal To Motherland in Responsibility

My views about the deterioration or improvement in the relations between the two religions in India may be a bit biased. Nevertheless, I believe them to be true.

I am writing this because I came across a social media post of a Newspaper. Here, I will not disclose the name of the others who commented on the same post except me. There are also some comments who were not so important to be replied.

So this was that Post…
The Post: Hapur lynching: Video shows mob beating man, ‘forcing’ him to confess to cow slaughter

First Comment:

My Answer: There are definitely some regions in the country where no hindu can roam free at his or her own will because there are some people over those places who are belonging to the same Minority who are not less than Butchers. no doubt I also admit that what ever happened is wrong and Nobody is above law and nobody means nobody. I also want that these criminals must get the deserved punishment and families should get desired justice, but indecisively comparing India with others in matter of security to Minorities, nothing is so shameless as this.

Second Comment: The ideology which PM follow is responsible for cow vigilante terrorism otherwise Hinduism is all about pluralism and tolerance.

My Answer: Why pluralism and tolerance only from the Hindu’s side always. U are also the citizen of the same country and it is your duty also to respect the feelings and sentiments of Hindus. Liberalism, Pluralism and Tolerance should have to be in both the sides then only we can give our Motherland a healthy and peaceful life to live in return of what She gives us for our life and existence.

Third Comment: This is the mindset of majority…

My Answer: You are wrong, this is not the mindset of the Majority it is the time when you have to show some endurance and tolerance. Every time the load of being a secular is put upon the people from majority only, Why? Why are u blaming the majority instead of the police system which is prevailing in the state? Before blaming the majority mind this thing very well that the origin of appeasement politics started with you right since the time of Partition. And this appeasement Politics only spoiled the environment of brotherhood between the two Religions but still we are one we are Indians, sons and daughters of the same motherland. Not only ONE OF US but BOTH OF US have to bring the liberal front of our own religion up to the mutual understandings and stand united towards the enemies of the Nation.

Why Narrating This Way?

My Answer: I am a little bit lazy kind of person, if I have not taken the help of the Screen Shots then I have needed to write a seperate story of again a better length and time consuming so I have explained you it very shortly. “It’s My Way.”


Jai Hind Jai Bharat.

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