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PM Narendra Modi rightly following Late PM Rajiv Gandhi in technology, making New India…

I think the PM Narendra Modi is doing great by exhorting to youth to use technology under the digital india mission promoted by his government. He has also given call to make New India by 2022 – seventy five years of independence. I think the PM NaMo is following late PM Rajiv Gandhi in many ways. Because under Rajiv Gandhi’s leadership, India underwent telecom revolution, computerisation; etc. and Rajiv Gandhi always dreamed & worked towards making India of the 21st Century.

So that way in spite of political differences between the BJP & Congress, PM NaMo is doing the right thing in the interest of the country and its 1350 million citizens by following in the footsteps of late PM Rajiv Gandhi in many ways especially on the use of technology & making of New India.

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