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Can these Gender stereotypes ever end?

” Why is pink for girls and blue for boys? ”
” Why are cars for boys and Barbie dolls for girls? “

So, isn’t it enough to describe the current gender scenario that has been present in our country for years?

We’re currently living in a world that is accustomed to all this crap and have actually accepted this as their way of living their lives.

Such stereotypes have been present in our society since ages and the most ironic fact is that we really show interest in enjoying them. We tend to feel it’s big OKAY But no, it’s not. It is not okay. Why do people feel okay in saying “pink is for girls” and “stop crying like a girl” and a really trending one “Engineering is for boys only “. It’s just not okay. It proves that how stupid we people really are that we try to find our fun in making fun of women. It only shows how our mindset is.

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