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How to deal with happiness ?

Weire the title? Right?

Yes. We all are homosapiens…living in artificial world. Where we want love,dignity,respect,strength, happiness. But we don’t even wish to get it by our own.

How to deal with happiness?

Happiness is the agreement between you and itself. You smile.. you laugh.. you cry… But at the end we all want to be happy.

You want to be happy.. you wish to be happy.. but do you demand it? Or do you even know how to get it?

Noone ever has the answer to these questions as “Yes”. You are the answer to this question.

When you want to be happy… Get this happiness. You have 24 hours.. spend it in such a way you never did expect it too. It’s just you and you who is going to matter at the end of the day.

You will fall.. you have to stand up and smile. You’ll cry.. wipe your tears and get back.. !

Happiness comes with people too.

Your parents Being the first people of your happiness box. Your fixed assets. Respect them. Love them. And love yourself.

Deal with happiness.. build a agreement with it. ❤️

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