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Interview with Dr Navika Kachhwaha – Author of “Our 6.5 years”

I read books, when I travel. Be it by road or by the vast Indian rail network. I try my best to completely read a book, which I carry with me. Recently I read a book, which was quite engaging and so, I thought I should contact the author of the book for her inputs or in other words – an interview.

Dr Navika Kachhwaha’s debut novel – Our 6.5 years is a good read. Navika, who is a doctor by profession, completed her bachelor degree in Physiotherapy from Jodhpur, the suncity.

Here’s an interview with the Author – Dr Navika about her latest book, her journey as a writer, about her favourite reads, etc.

(1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now? Do you have any pets?
A- I was born and raised in Jodhpur, popularly know as Suncity and right now I’m a working Physiotherapist, practicing in Jodhpur itself. After my Schooling I have completed two courses i.e D.Pharmacy and Bachelor of Physiotherapy and I was a batch topper in both courses. Apart from this I love riding bikes, dancing and Indian retro music.
Nope. I don’t have any pet 🙁
(2) At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
A- I was always attracted towards the stories around me but frankly speaking I didn’t get much time to invest it in books other than my medical books. I started reading novels in the mid of my college almost 2-3 years ago. Though I used to write since my school days but that was limited to quotes and morning prayers, but this storytelling I started few months ago.
(3) Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who inspires you in your writings?
A – There is nothing like favorite (smiles)
I just love to explore so I read what ever I found interesting especially in Romance, Fiction, Humor & comedy and Motivation.
Everybody inspires me in their ways, but I still remember the first two books I have read was of Durjoy Dutta and Chetan Bhagat.
(4) Tell us a little about your latest book?
A- “Our 6.5 years”- an imaginary realistic love story of two best friends who are madly in love with each other.
It’s a story of a long commitment of 6.5 years narrated & summarized in few pages full of emotions.
It’s a common story with uncommon decisions of two souls, their bond, their friendship, their love, and of their changing relationship.
I let you people decide the worth of their decisions and worth of the end of the story.
So, here we interviewed Dr Navika Kachhwaha, in between her busy schedule, and guess what? It was a very nice experience.
Wishing her the best for her latest book, her writing career, her career as a doctor, and for her life.
All the best!!
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