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BlueRose presents Get ready my love by Narmadha Kamalakannan

Stay Elegant Stay Strong—Know the real Tigress and butterfly
Every woman is an elegant creature. The five elements of nature including Mother Earth are referred to as female, signifying this elegance and kindness possessed.  Today’s woman inherently carries this elegance. At the same time, determination, willpower, motivation, courage, passion are also embedded in their souls. One example of such a combination is Narmadha Kamalakannan, author of GET READY LADY and GET READY MY LOVE. Her pen name is tigressandbutterfly, which captions “As strong as a tigress and as elegant as a butterfly.”
“Live every moment like a child”—is the motto of her life. By possessing the attitude of a child, she comes across as a bundle of creativity, happiness, positivity. Adults get adulterated and as they grow up, ego, pride, vengeance gets the better of their child-like qualities. But, by being a child, one can be determined to be happy, kind and creative. Problems in life, according to her are like the bruises that children get by falling down. Bruises never stop children from getting up and living the moment.
The author, who is in her mid-thirties, is always proud to introduce herself as a loving wife and a caring mother of two children. She is truly multi-faceted as she has established herself as a dancer, poet, radio jockey, stand-up comedian, artist, and motivational speaker. With this positive attitude, she is able to look through the travails of day to day life and pick up the right positive flavour. She is certainly a real tigressandbutterfly.

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