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Love And happiness!

Love and Happiness. Two of the most amazing yet insufficient things in life. Happiness is a medicine to be taken every day. Starting a smile with a day..! And ending with a smile for another day!

Where life gave us thousands reasons to cry.. let’s choose and be happy.

Parents are another form of God. So are your teachers. The love they give and expect just your happiness and success in return. They teach you the best.. better than the rest.

To fight for love … To be happy. Happiness is a drug. So is love. Love came with blessings to nurture you from within.

Loving with deep emotions. Loving for yourself. Spreading Love. Spreading smiles. “Rather be someone’s reason of smile than being the reason for tears.”

There come people with different abilities..! Some are put into orphanages. Some live in slums. You have got lavish homes. You earn you eat 3 meals a day. Still you’re not happy?

The reason is YOU. You are never sufficient with what you get.

This Sunday let’s take this happiness and love pledge. And make 5 individuals smile everyday.

Spread Love. Spread happiness.

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