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Why Self-Publishing is emerging as the future of publishing

Savi Sharma self-published her first book and sold 1,00,000 copies within 100 days; Amish Tripathi’s mega bestseller “Immortals of Meluha” was initially self-published not just Indie authors, foreign authors like E L James also self-published her first book “Fifty Shades of Grey”, which was later made into a Feature Film. Self-Publishing has arrived and it is here to stay.

Just the way Ola and Uber turned the erratic auto drivers obsolete, Self-Publishing will make the arrogant and money greedy Traditional Publishers obsolete and irrelevant in coming times. Traditional Publishing continues to be a great way of publishing book but only a handful of writers are leveraged with the opportunity but with Self-Publishing anyone who has a manuscript ready can publish his or her book and give it a shot. Self-Publishing has also opened marketing and boasting opportunities for many. Varun Agarwal, co-founder of “Alma Mater” marketed his business with his book “How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company” while a lot of politicians used self-publishing to establish themselves as Thought Leaders.


Why Self-Publishing is the Future of Publishing:

  1. It leverages the Authors with full control on their Books: Authors have always wanted to be the one who decides the fate of their book. Some of the authors will be happy to kill their book themselves instead of getting it killed by irresponsible publisher. With self-publishing becoming a main stream publishing option, authors will be enjoying access to power in abundance.

2. Increased Royalty: Authors who were published traditionally have always cribbed about their royalty per book being as low as cost of a cigarette. Self-Publishing solves the most innocuous problem of publishing industry in style; with self-publishing the number of stake holders reduces while the royalty increases. With the author making a lot of important decisions, they also get to price their self-published books.

3. Self-Publish takes less time: A Traditional Publisher starts working on a book only when it is completely written and has been evaluated by the editorial team but with self-published books, authors can get their finished chapters edited while they continue to write the further chapters. Self-published authors can also get the book cover, marketing campaign and other promotional materials designed while they are writing the book. The simultaneous implementation will speed up the process and help authors publish faster.

4. Author gets to sell his books on his own: Self-Publishing allows the author to put up his or her book on Amazon and sell it in the remotest corners of the country. Selling booms through Amazon not only reduces the effort but also improves the conversion rate. Amazon is a trusted entity and millions of people shop on  it, which makes it easier for the author to market his or her book. When an Author sells his or her book on their own, they get to keep all the money after paying Amazon its cut, shipping charges and government taxes.

5. Authors get to use analytics and market their books accordingly: With self-publishing authors can concentrate more on selling, which was quite difficult with Traditional Publishing. Authors can monitor their marketing campaign in the initial days and make changes if necessary. Sales Analytics can help authors understand their readers better and sell more copies.


Self-Publishing is here to stay and revolutionise the way people publish books in India. With Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, aspiring authors can take a plunge in ebook publishing as well and cater to a completely different audience for FREE. Kindle Direct Publishing promises great outreach and incomparable royalty of 70%. Get to know more about self-publishing at Word Pinnacle.








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