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Dear Men, Here Are 14 Things You Must Know About Menstruation

1. A period lasts anywhere from three to seven days.

2. A woman will spend an average of 3,500 days of her life menstruating.

3. On average, a girl gets her first period when she’s 12.

4. We can bleed for five days without dying.

5. The menstrual cycle is a hormone-driven cycle; day 1 is the first day of our period (bleeding) while day 14 is the approximate day we ovulate, and if an egg is not fertilized, hormone levels eventually drop. At about day 25, the egg begins to dissolve and the cycle begins again with the period starting again at about day 30.

6. Period blood is not impure.

7. This is what cramps are like: It feels like something is crushing the organs in your lower abdomen. Yes, they ducking hurt.

8. Period pain is not easy to endure. We don’t over react.

9. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is real, and it does make us a little insane.

10. We can give birth to YOUR children, thanks to the period.

11. Every time we sneeze while on our period, we feel like a tube of ketchup bottle.

12. We hate standing up every time from our chairs/ bed while we are on period, so don’t expect that.

13. We only need some extra care and help from you during periods.

14. You can touch us, hug us, and can shake your hands with us. Menstruation is not EBOLA.

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