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Poetry: Mumbai, You’re Infectious!

Where time precedes everything, everyone,

Where no one cares about where you come from,

All that matters is where you are going.

Where emotions fall little short,

And buildings grow a little too tall

Where there is less of judgment,

And more of realisation.

Where we all run and run faster,

Than mind processes and heart pumps.

Where the lights are bright,

Brighter than eyes could take,

Where the highway leads nowhere.

Somewhere, only if you enjoy the ride,

Where all I know about you,

Is that, you are a dream chaser!

It’s the sweet, sweaty smell of hope

It’s the smell of salt in the air,

It’s the smell of shrines and temples!

It’s the feeling of standing on the tallest building

With the wind gushing against,

With the thrill of making it big!

A city drenched in emotions,

A city that turns illusions into reality,

A city that thrives on vada pav,

A city that lets you be.

Mumbai, it’s infectious!

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