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“You are not good People”Said a Muslim Child to me

My name is Atulit Chaudhary, I belong to a small town in Bihar and this is my story. A few days ago, I went to a playground near my house and sat there for some time. Meanwhile, I saw some children playing cricket and I asked them if I could join them as well. At first, they were hesitant but agreed after a bit of convincing, and so I started playing as well. When it was my turn to bowl the ball, some of them asked: “are you a Muslim? “, as they all were, which I could tell by the way they were dressed(kurta and a skull cap). At first when first one asked i thought its ok but when most of them asked, I thought there is something wrong with them ,so I asked ? Why all of you are asking about my religion ? I asked them ? They gave a cusual repy , But my inquisitiveness grew and I  got Adamant to know so after some time when they were comfortable with me they told my that they asked because no Hindu children play with them and They also don’t prefer to play with Hindu children. I asked why you don’t prefer to play with Hindu ?? One child out of curiosity said “because they are not good people ” I asked who told you they are not good people?? They said we saw it on TV as hindus were beating muslim, I thought they must be talking of religious voliance. Then I said what else just TV?  They said we are instructed in Madarsa not to play with Hindu child as meanwhile playing it could lead to fight. I was quiet surprised to know but I went on asking , ok what else it is instructed in Madarsa ??? They replied we are taught to do 5 Namaz five times a day and always were your own traditional dress. Then one of them asked me “Are you too bad person as like other ” I said what did you felt ?? They kept mum. I asked do you people personally fell that hindu children are not good peoples?? They said We don’t know, We never talk to them , We have no idea ! It was little bit shocked to know the communication gap of children  between the two community of society. At that point of time ,I felt that that these childrens are  deliberatel kept in  Ignorance but why, I had no answer . Meanwhile I though to change their perception about another child ,I told them that it’s not like that Hindu childrens are not good people they are too good peoples same like you and me. And whosoever told you either on Tv or in Mardarsa, stop listing to them as they are not good people, who told you these things. These short interaction helped me to understand how thin our social fabric is and how our children are susceptible to misinformation as its their stepping stone for becoming zealot or radicalized ! Well, in our hindu community also there is a social stigma attached that if somebody is Muslims he must be _________ over to you ! At last we have maintain social harmony for the betterment of our country in longer run !



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