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Should elections be the centre point in our country?

It was the year 1952 when first General elections were held in India with the focus on making India great and removing all the disparities. The main issues were poverty, literacy, communalism and the caste system.

Now we are heading towards 2019 general elections with a lot of hope and enthusiasm. The elections are just like a festival for which everyone waits. The fourth pillar of democracy media presents it like the most important part and keep focus on it even though elections are far away.

With some much focus on election we expect it to have some impact and create positive changes in our lives. But unfortunately the truth isn’t same. If we look at the issues of 2019 then we will be surprised to know that the so- called development issues are yet related to poverty,employment, education (literacy)  and basic infrastructure of most of the cities which were the same during the 1952 elections. These issues are not the primary ones. When elections comes near then the primary issues are caste and Religion. Then the biggest question that arises is that putting so much emphasis on elections have not produced the desired results . 

It doesn’t mean that we should stop elections and interrupt democracy. Elections should be a important part as it is the biggest power of common people but it shouldn’t be the centre of all the issues. The solution of all the problems associated with our country lies in the proper functioning. We should focus on proper functioning of all four parts of democracy to find a positive change otherwise we will be facing the same problems even in 2029 as the focus of government is on elections rather than proper functioning. 


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