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We All Possess Incredible Strength Within Us, We Just Need To Discover It

STRENGTH- An eight letter word that’s so powerful, it in a way defines the essence of our existence. Human beings differ from each other, as do their lives, but we all have our struggles and we fight it in our own ways. Why does one group of individuals find it easier to weather any storm, while for others, it seems like quite an uphill task? What is strength? Where does it reside? Is it really within us? Then how come we get so lost, our vision gets blurred? Strength is innate, it’s within us only. Perhaps, some people are familiar with it since birth, others discover it along the way. So, let’s try to analyze — how does it work for the latter??

Before you embark on the journey to become mentally and emotionally strong, you must remember that the first step begins with you always. Image via Getty

Individuality And Clarity:

We all are unique in our own way. I know that’s a cliché, but that’s the truth. We all need to know our core self. By that I mean the courage as well as the clarity to stand out, if needed, from the crowd. Many a time, we find ourselves struggling with inner conflicts and that’s certainly a massive battle for most of us. The sheer courage to take a stand or even the conviction to put forth our ideas, especially if they differ from the majority, is not something that comes easy to all of us. Our mind is conditioned in such a way since childhood, that we’re often taught to follow the  majority. I have always been a firm advocator of transparency, whether it’s your thoughts or the person you are. Never shy away from speaking your mind, but at the same time do not lose your compassion and empathy.

Being In Touch With Your Core:

So, what does this really mean? We all struggle with our own selves so often, more so because no one taught us during childhood to find our own ground. Our mind has been trained by elders only to belong. For example, engineering or the medical profession are preferred to be the highly regarded career for youngsters, even if they do not possess the required skills or perhaps even the interest which is required to sustain in the long run for upcoming professional years. Also, the fact remains that there’s this deeply ingrained nature in us to not just compete with others, but also outdo them. How often do we really buy stuff for our own convenience and not to show off our wealth status? My reason for stating all the above points is just to emphasize on the fact that we need to find our own values, individuality, uniqueness, passion, and mandate and follow it accordingly. If and when we feel there’s something to change which can perhaps add more value to our lives, we should definitely do it. After all, change is the only constant in life.

Sensitivity Of Sensitive People:

What’s wrong with sensitivity? Nothing, it’s human nature to feel; some might feel too deeply. As long as you care for others, have a heart full of love, there’s absolutely nothing wrong. But, there’s always a fine line between being sensitive towards self and others, and drowning in self-pity. So, how do you recognise that? I feel that sensitivity is an awareness of the sentiments of people and understanding it from an objective point of view. Self-pity is always fatal because it just confines you to your point of view. As they say, there is always two sides to a coin, when you’re so drowned with your own partial perception, it creates a blurred vision which is bound to take you far away from reality.

Lastly, I would like to say we all possess incredible strength within us. It’s just that we need to discover it in our lifetime. But, before you embark on the journey to become mentally and emotionally strong, you must remember that the first step begins with you always. Yes! The kind of relationship you share with yourself becomes the foundation of your other relationships as well. Just imagine how a relationship of another person will be if there is no respect, no care, no understanding, no compassion, no time for each other at all. Our relationship with our own self is just like that.

Not just physical well-being, but also emotional well-being should be our priority in life, especially in this day and age when anxiety and depression have become such a common phenomenon, irrespective of age, which is a grave concern for all of us. The first step towards addressing this issue is consciousness. We must live consciously so that we do not shy away from addressing our areas of discomfort and dealing with them with as much strength as we can muster.

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