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ZEO Drabshalla fails to submit report of BLO’s to ENT Kishtwar

04 months on , ZEO Drabshalla fails to submit report of BLO’s to ENT Kishtwar






Kishtwar 10May ,,,,,,, It may sound strange but it’s true that there is mass scale irresponsibility and irregularities in Zonal Education Office Drabshalla from last year . The Zonal Education Office Drabshalla Mohd Iqbal Qazi failed to submit the report of left out BLO’s in Zone Drabshalla for one month additional salary, who have performed their duties during Municipality and Panchayat election in Nov 2018 .
As per details available Chief Education Officer Kishtwar vide letter no. CEO /K/2019/2490-2571 dated 10/01/2019 to Zonal Education Office falling under jurisdiction of CEO Kishtwar to submit the report of left out BLO’s for one month additional salary with in two days positively as telephonically communicated by Election Naib Tehsildar Kishtwar on 19/01/2019 .
Source revealed that ZEO Drabshalla failed to submit report since from last 04 months despite letter titled from CEO Kishtwar was entitled “matter treated as most urgent” .
The BLO informed that we are even left out from additional salary due to lack of irresponsibilities of ZEO Drabshalla who ever fails to submit the report since from 04months.
While contacting Election Naib Tehsildar Kishtwar Shri Angrez Singh , He said that ZEO Drabshalla had not submitted the report since from last 04 months and a day ago official contacted ZEO Drabshalla and asked to submit report at an earliest soas the left out BLO’s additional salary may be credited as soon as possible.
The left out BLO’s had appealed DC Kishtwar to intervene in this matter and direct concerned ZEO to submit report at an earliest soas we can’t suffer any more and take action against concerned ZEO Drabshalla who fails to submit report in due course of time.

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