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#BolDaal:Change starts From Me

In past years we use to only make people aware about global warming and air pollution. A very few people really cared and were taking baby steps in order to protect our environment. One of the legend once said, “Cure the cause instead of curing the symptoms of a disease”. We are getting awaken from our sleep because of rising temperature which our bodies are finding hard to tolerate. We are the most intelligent creature on the earth doing all the stupid things to our environment. Only because of us other innocent species of our planet are suffering. Before accusing government or anyone of air pollution or any other pollution we should self-introspect ourselves whether our subconscious habits aren’t cause?

Being a computer science student, I would first like to include a graph which states what factors are responsible most for air pollution.

Now, we can clearly observe that 52% of polluted air is being emitted  by industries which further indicates that consumer demands have increased. If we keep on buying goods unnecessarily, the factories are going to increase production ultimately increasing air pollution. We should try to reuse the goods which will minimize the production. Electricity and cooking gas is also produced by burning fossils. So, it is not wrong to say that if we are saving electricity we are reducing pollution. Other 27% polluted air is being caused by Transportation. No doubt everyone owns at least 2-3 cars/vehicles which may be necessity but for shorter distance we can use bicycles/public transports which can keep environment clean. Electric vehicles are option but their manufacturing contributes to some sort of air pollution. These two factors Industry and Transportation alone contribute to 78% of air pollution. Some other factors are there but they do not affect air quality much.

Government role in controlling air pollution is significant since it makes and implements law and regulation. It should focus on whether organisation or factories are following environmental laws and impose strict penalty in terms of saving environment like (planting a forest) if they found violating any laws. The modern chimneys that prevents harmful particles should be made mandatory in factories. Air Purifiers as well as trees should planted at public places and at the roadsides. Masses should equally participate in taking care of trees and watering them regularly. The feeling of responsibility is essential in each one of us which can be done through awareness programs on regular basis.

Apart from these measurement devices(air quality monitor etc.) should be installed at public places so that people would have some idea how urgent it is to save environment in the present time. Many times we are ignorant of global warming because we spent most of our time in air conditioners. But we should be aware of the fact that for our own survival we need support of other species which are dying in polluted environment. I know it’s easy to preach about saving environment but it’s still a baby step along with other articles. I want everyone reading this article to share it with near and dear ones to make it a big step. Keep loving environment keep reading 🙂

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