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Let’s Break The Taboos Surrounding Anxiety Disorders By Busting Common Myths

Mental health is still taken very lightly in our country. Any ailment related to the brain is considered to be incurable and inexplicable by some people. Mental diseases are such taboo in our society that even common illnesses like Anxiety and Depression are portrayed in a bad light. The worse thing? Patients with psychological diseases are written off as mad, even by people closest to them which further secludes them and worsens the condition.

This article is a part of a series that I’m going to do on ‘Mental Health’ and the measures you can take as a responsible individual to better understand it. These articles will not only help you to better comprehend your friends that might be suffering from these kinds of diseases but also avoid any such problems yourself.

1. We Don’t Do It On Purpose



It’s not like we wake up in the morning and decide that today we’ll lose our shit in front of 50 of our classmates or co-workers. It doesn’t work like that. Just like other physiological diseases, Anxiety is something which once developed, reinforces itself, with no direction or trigger required from the conscious mind. The adrenaline surge continues to build up in the body elevating the heartbeat and breathing rate without any involvement of our so-called decision centre: Pre-frontal Cortex. The victim or the patient can’t do anything to stop it just like you can’t do anything to stop your heart from beating. It’s a physiological process, not psychological.

2. It’s Not A Switch

Yep. Just like you can’t will a fever, cold, or even a tumour out of existence, we can’t stop Anxiety by just pretending it doesn’t exist. As I said, the process is as physiological as your blood flowing through your veins. So just like you can’t will your lungs to stop breathing, you can’t stop your brain from freaking out, especially when it can’t figure out what the problem is.

In case of a fever, your conscious mind realizes what the problem is. Hence, it accepts the fact that taking rest and medicine will improve your condition and there’s no need to press the matter. However, during an anxiety attack, the brain can’t find out what is wrong with the body. Consequently, the survival instinct kicks in and the mind starts freaking out more and more; in turn making the person believe he has lost control of his own body. And your wise-ass comments don’t help at all.

3. No, We Are Not ALL Depressed

That’s a whole other ball game. Though the causes and many symptoms of Clinical Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder can be quite similar and discernible, there is a technical difference between the two. People suffering from depression have a sense of impending doom for they are sure that their future is bleak. Hence, according to them, there is no point in doing anything as the consequences will be the same. This can occur due to trauma or chemical changes in the brain, but at the end of the day, depression is a ‘depressive’ state of our mind.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is identified by the belief that something terrible might happen. This ‘might’ is the culprit in this case which causes the flight-and-fight feeling, which in turn leads to an increase in heartbeat and respiration rate. Anxiety hence is stimulating or rather an over-stimulating ailment for the brain. That is why uppers or stimulants like coffee, can worsen Anxiety. Both of these conditions have effects on the mind and body but both are different. The good news is that both of them are curable and the negative thoughts go often away once the person starts medical or behavioural therapy.

4. Stop Telling Us To Chill

It’s not that we don’t want to; we can’t. And I mean we physically can’t. In the initial stages of an attack, Anxiety can be ‘distracted’ before it becomes physical. However, once the body gets involved, and the Adrenal Glands piqued by the brain start producing Adrenaline to get us ready for a threat that doesn’t exist, it is almost impossible to calm down the body through our own volition.

Believe me; if we could, we would. Saying “Calm Down Dude” 30 times doesn’t help, so stop saying it. If you really want to help, try to understand the situation and not mock it. Also, please don’t gather a crowd to watch the ‘freak’. That I assure you doesn’t help in calming any person.

5. No, We’re Not ‘Mad’

Anxiety is not just a mental or psychological disease. Generalized Anxiety, of course, starts with the brain and at the end affects it (mainly the Hormone production and regulation). But at the end of the day, components of an Anxiety disorder like increased adrenaline which results in elevation of heartbeat and respiration rate are not in control of the conscious mind.

Just like Diabetes patients take Insulin to regulate the amount of Glucose in their system, Anxiety patients take SSRIs to adjust the amount of Serotonin in their system. The difference is that the taboo and stigma attached to mental illnesses and the lack of control the patient suffers during an Anxiety Attack leads insensitive people to think that he/she has gone mad. So, the next time you call a person with Anxiety mad, try to understand that they are as mad as a person with a fever. Or better yet, just shut your mouth.

6. We can be Confident And Anxious at the Same Time

Contrary to popular dumb beliefs, a person who has Anxiety – or any other physical or mental ailment for that matter – can be intelligent and just as confident as anyone else. These things are not mutually exclusive. Just like pneumonia doesn’t hinder your IQ, Anxiety doesn’t either. It only hampers your thinking process at times, or in other words, makes it difficult to concentrate.

Think about that last bout of fever you had, when your body temperature hit 103 Fahrenheit, and you couldn’t think straight. Did you suddenly become dumb? No, right? In the same way, a person suffering from Anxiety is not less intelligent than his non-anxious counterparts.

8. Your Wise-ass Insights don’t Help!

Neither does your expert opinion by the way. We know that some ‘normal’ people believe they have a full-fledged PhD in both Psychology and Medicine. However, we don’t want your help. We have our own doctors and trust me we don’t want to put our lives in your hands.

An important thing I have learned in life is that you should weigh in your statements and judge if uttering them would even help in a particular case. In this one, the narrow-minded and conservative point of view about mental health, and advice like “Just ignore it dude”, “there’s no such thing as anxiety”, and “You should try to behave like a normal being” doesn’t help. So if you can’t help make anything better, try not to make it worse. In return, we won’t douse you in cold water when you are down with a fever. Deal?

P.S. – I am not a medical professional and am in no way pretending to be. The opinions described in this article are personal. You can disagree with me and refute my statements. You can even – through a comment or personal mail – inform me if I have made a mistake in putting forth my point, given that yours is logical and/or backed by scientific proof.

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