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Why Have We Conditioned Our Eyes To Judge Beauty Based On How One Looks?

“Appearances can be deceptive.”

Why does it always happen that people judge my appearance and not what is inside me? They come up with conclusions about who I am based on my external appearance and how I look or what I wear. A person can be dull and plain. He may not look the best based on his external features but he may hide dazzling beauty inside. Why is it difficult to understand that deep down, everyone is the same? We just need to care enough to look beneath the surface.

The beauty of a geode (a small cavity in rock lined with crystals or other mineral matter) is pale and dull. Yet when a crack splits a geode into two and lets water through, piles of purple crystals appear. This beauty which was not apparent to us while looking at it superficially, it can be seen now. We can see the magic.

Sometimes we come across some people who look simple in their outward appearances. But their inner beauty emerges only when we converse with them and get to know them better. Why have we conditioned our eyes to judge beauty based on how one looks? And is that our final judgment? The only thing is that a person should have the aspiring eyes to observe closely and carefully and look for beauty in everything. Beauty, after all, lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Let’s learn to look past what meets our eyes. There’s a greater world to know beyond that. When we differentiate and compartmentalise people based on how they look, we feed the conditioning of the prevalent beauty standards. We need to shed that. It has repercussions on the people who are told their worth based on what they look like. Let us decide not to be so fickle to adjudge worth and beauty based on something that’s not even constant.

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