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Religion: A magnificent mountain or an abominable valley.

zaira wasim

Actress Zaira Wasim, of Dangal fame, announced her dissociation from the film industry through social media, and this created much furor, with hundreds of users scrambling to express their views under her posts. Her decision has been received with mixed reactions from people within the industry as well.

Zaira Wasim in a still from the movie Dangal. For representation purpose only.

At this point, I want to pose a question. Does any religion really deprive its devotees of the choice to do what they want? I might not be very well be versed with the technicalities of other religions, but when I look at my friends from different religious backgrounds thriving, following their dreams, studying abroad and enjoying life, I am forced to question Zaira’s stance.

Although there might not be scholarly consensus on what actually constitutes religion, to me, religion is a belief, it relates humanity with the transcendental. So when Zaira said that her line of work was “threatening” her relationship with her religion, it sparked much discontent nationwide, and honestly, in me too.

Using religion to express dissatisfaction towards life choices, in my opinion, is not acceptable. People might have a phase where they seek the meaning of life, and want to know what the purpose of life is. This is usually called having an ‘existential crisis’, and I feel religion has nothing to do with this.

Bollywood is made of legendary artists belonging to many religions. I do not think religion has stood in the way of them achieving success while still following their faith. I feel that the school of thought which believes that religion does anything other than pushing you forward is what leads to followers who repress other people’s right to free will, and the freedom to practice religion however anyone would want. These few believers bring unwarranted criticism to communities.

I really think we need to stop blaming religion and using it as a cover, and start owning up to our own issues. Religion only cannot define your actions. Whatever reason Zaira Wasim might have for quitting Bollywood, I really feel it surely cannot only be ‘blamed’ on religion.

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