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Why India Needs A New Congress President ASAP

Yes, you read that right. We Indians need a new Congress president! Please don’t get me wrong here I’m not Congress party worker or a supporter, but if democracy in India has to remain intact, we really need a new Congress president ASAP.

Rahul Gandhi officially resigned as Congress President on July 3, 2019. Image via Getty

It’s been three weeks since India’s largest political party is without a president, after Rahul Gandhi’s resignation on 3rd July. At a time when Narendra Modi government is back in the centre with more power than they had in the last term, and when as many as 16 states out of 29 are under BJP & co. governments, and when BJP & co. are nearly getting an absolute majority in Rajya Sabha; it’s very dangerous to not have a president to the largest opposition party in the country.

It’s a difficult time for our country, and it seems like the nation is being run by only two people: Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi and BJP chief and Home minister Mr Amit Shah. Our country is undoubtedly heading towards resembling a fascist dictatorship, and we are in a dire need for a good alternative in the form of Congress President. It can’t be Rahul Gandhi (as he himself admitted while stepping down). But why is the oldest democratic party in India, which participated in our freedom fight, has been unable to find a new president in three weeks?

Congress certainly looks divided into old leaders like Sushil Kumar Shinde, Ashok Gehlot, Kamal Nath, Mallikarjun Kharge who are loyal to the Gandhi family, and new young leaders who are close to Mr Rahul Gandhi. The most sensible leader in Congress right now has to be Punjab’s CM Capt Amarinder Singh, who publically urged all the old leaders to step aside and make way for the young leaders who will inspire party workers and give the party a new direction. To be honest, this has to be the way forward.

But it’s very disappointing to see a party—which is based on democratic values and used to elect the president based on elections till independence—to be now blindfolded by their loyalty to the Gandhi family. Rahul Gandhi has undoubtedly made the right move by resigning and making way for a new leader, which is exactly what the party and the country need that right now. But why nobody in this age-old party unable to come forward to lead the party. As per the reports, young leaders such as Sachin Pilot, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Milind Deora are ready to take this leadership role, but they are facing opposition from old leaders, who can’t even win their own seats (for example, Sushil Kumar Shinde).

Lack of a better alternative is the only reason Narendra Modi got this second term in the centre with a thumping majority despite doing any considerable work in the last five years. Strong opposition is an essential pillar of any democracy. And with the fourth pillar (media), which seems to be already bought by the ruling party, we have to ensure that the pillar of the opposition remains strong.

Otherwise, our so-called largest democracy in the world will not survive much longer.

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