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Democracy In India: Rule Of People Or Rule Of Statistics?

BJP, elections, Zakir Musa

After the recent scrapping of Article 370, it’s not the decision but the process of decision making that can be harmful to our country in the future.

One of the reasons behind democracy being considered better than other forms of government is the quality of decision making. It is said that in a democratic country decisions are taken after various debates and discussions. Looking at the present scenario, the possibility of reassessing a decision is uncertain. Big decisions like demonetisation, Goods and Services Tax (GST)  could have been implemented in a better way if the decision would have gone through various discussions. But it seems it’s only the numbers that matter.

There is no person, agency or state who hasn’t made any mistake. Similarly, during a period of five years, the government can also make some mistakes. But have we thought about how they would realise their mistake? We haven’t left any door from where we could knock and ask for a correction of the mistake.

If a law is made against a certain group of people or decisions which could be harmful to a certain group of people, like the changes made in the RTI Act, and the National Register Of Citizens Of India (NRC) which doesn’t come under the spotlight, and then they (people) are left with only a few options.

If we want to establish democracy as the rule of people then we will have to review our decisions. Otherwise, our country will be carrying the flag of symbolic democracy where numbers will be bigger than anything else.

Government, executive, and media are just a part of democracy. The power of strengthening democracy lies in our hand and we will have to be wise to take our country in a better position where we leave scope for those who are one of us.

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