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Dear Government, Here’s What India’s Youth Needs From You

“Youth is the best time. The way in which you utilize this period will decide the nature of the coming years that lie ahead of you.”

The above mentioned quote by Swami Vivekananda beautifully captures the power of youth. But the question that troubles me the most is: Is our Indian youth able to utilise this period of vigorous energy and adventure?

India has more than half of its population (50%) below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35. We can easily conclude how a considerable part of our demographics falls in the prime section. But analysing the ground realities and living the journey of youth myself, I can say that I am not satisfied with the world I live in. Here are some points I want to put in front of our government.

What Do I And My Fellow Youth Want?

1. Employment

Our youth is craving for it. We also want to grow up to the stature where we can be financially independent and socially contributing. But where are the jobs? Where are the corruption-free exams?

2. Equality

We believe in equality and liberty. We do not want our future to be caged in the dogmas of discriminations. We are and need to be welcoming to people identifying with different sexual and gender orientations. We accept the new-age thinking of liberalism. We can’t be ignorant to the obvious plight of minority sections who are treated like second-grade citizens. We are their voice. But why you are pushing us? Why you are making us look like a criminal?

3. Freedom

Today’s youth want no restraint on their creativity. We want to outshine our expressions and change the world. We believe that our speech, expressions, life choices should see no obstruction from the side of state or society. But why are you not tolerating our criticisms? Why are you putting us in bars for speaking the truth?

4. Good Education

We want good opportunities for education. We are not toddlers who want to taste free wi-fi lollipops. The youth needs the medicine of education. We want liberation from the labor we are put into because of the absence of good scholastic experience. But why are you coming with wrong policies? Why you are focusing more on marks than our knowledge?

In a nutshell, India’s youth just wants a conducive environment to grow. We just want to improve our personality, nurturing it to become the best version of ourselves. We just want to live in a world where the veil of ignorance is cast away by the light of knowledge and freedom.

And we can’t do it alone. We need you, government. We need you, society. Give us our time to lead the world!

Featured Image For Representation Only
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