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Why It’s Important to Let GO!

“Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.” –  Steve Maraboli

Ever seen a trapeze artist perform?

They hold onto one bar, create momentum, and then just like that, they let go. At that moment, the choice is made to either grab onto the next bar with both hands or keep one hand holding on. If they choose to hold on, I assume one of two things would happen: either they would get stuck with one hand on each bar, stretched out, or fall completely.

The same thing happens in life. At times, it is important to forget some things and let yourself free. Not because something is wrong with it or it is not right but because it is important for you.

It may be the most important thing at one point in time, but sometimes, it is crucial to let go. It seems to be difficult when we decide to let it go, but with time, we get used to it.

Time, as we say, is the best ‘healer’ indeed.

When we hold on to things, memories or people and crib about the things that are happening to us, we only harm ourselves. We don’t damage the memories or another person we only affect ourselves and allow it to destroy us emotionally.

Holding on to your anger and grudges for so long makes you weak. Once we decide to set our feelings, our memories free, we may experience a very different feeling, which at times, cannot be expressed in words.

Each one of us goes through something or the other in life. Sometimes things go according to us, and the other times we have to accept things. Sooner or later, we accept the fact. The time between holding on to things and then letting go may be difficult, but all it requires is patience.

We often blame ourselves or other people for the things happening to us, but is it worth it? The pain we are in today is because we allowed it to overtake us. We allowed it to overtake our positivity, our emotions, and now we have a hard time letting it go. We find people or situations to blame and get so busy blaming them that we tend to forget that the only person who can change our lives is we ourselves. It may be a daunting job at first, but with time we realize that this is the best decision that we have taken.

There are few tips which can help you to let of things:

1. Prioritize Yourself

Think about yourself, no matter what. Some may call you selfish, but it is okay. Everyone thinks about themselves, and if you are doing so, I don’t feel that you are doing anything wrong.

2. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Whenever we are busy stressing ourselves over things, we are just destroying ourselves mentally and emotionally. Not all situations need a reaction.

Whenever you are stressed out, think, will it matter in the next five years?

No, right? Then why stress yourself now?

3. Accept Yourself

Before blaming the situation, think whether your anger, guilt, and thoughts will matter to the situation about which you are thinking. I don’t think so. Just by thinking about something, we are going away from ourselves. The more you accept the things, the more you come closer to yourself. Once you do that, what others think of you hardly matters.

4. Allow Emotions To Bypass You

We all feel the urge to shout, cry and show our anger when things we don’t go the way we want them to. You know, it takes a lot of courage to show your emotions. To show what you feel and how you feel. It is quite important to express yourself; it is not a sign of weakness; it shows that you are expressive.

So next time, if you feel like crying or shouting, JUST do it!!! It will make you feel a lot better.

5. Give Yourself Time

Spend time alone because ‘ME’ time is crucial. Be with your friends and family but make sure that you allow enough time to yourself as well. Many of us miss doing that, but it is essential to spend time with yourself, only then you can focus on the things which matter to you. Pamper yourself and do all the things which make you feel better.

Maybe you have to let go of unresolved grief, a painful experience, an unpleasant job, or a relationship. Let go of the control, let go of the guilt, and let go of the uncomfortable emotions. You are not quitting. You are not giving up. You are choosing to no longer enable the pain, hurt, and unwanted behaviours.

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