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What About The Earth’s Right To Life?

X is deeply saddened by the climate change impacting Earth and its inhabitants. X argues with the fruit vendor when he offers him a plastic bag, agitated to say the least, he threatens him that he would go to jail as plastic bags have now been banned. The fruit vendor is scared, X explains it to him, “Your bag should not be less than 35 microns”, not sure if the fruit vendor understands that, X is happy to be an educator. Contented, he walks back to his house happily eating Chips, packed inside a plastic bag (which is considered a contaminant and cannot be processed at a usual recycling processing facility, as most are made of a number of various layers, but mostly polypropylene).

The motive of the above story is not to deter you from eating those yum chips but to consider the 4th ‘R’ of sustainability lie alone in a shadow – Replace!

We have come a long way from being just food gatherers and hunters to now being food producers and processors. With incredible scientific inventions, we have proved our mettle. It is quite interesting to note that government and private companies are working together to address the climate change happening in and around the globe – probably the best example of the PPP model is this!

Climate change is not a facade, it is for real and to counter its charge, we need to devise ways and solutions that are feasible keeping long term challenges in mind.

An appeal to use ‘A PEEL’ 

How long does an apple last if not kept either refrigerated or in ‘plastic bags’ or ‘airtight containers’? Probably 2 days and sometimes even less. A peel spray made from fruit peels and sprayed on fruits to make them last longer would mean that we end up wasting less as it would act as a natural defence to avoid wastage of food and ensure sustainability. Always remember, the wasted food adds to the CO2 levels, so every time you waste that apple, you’re probably causing global warming!

Pack For A Purpose

(The coolest initiative out there that deserves the loudest applause!

Who doesn’t love travelling? Unfortunately, of late, we have been hearing a tremendous amount of news wherein tourist spots were left in an extremely painful sight filled with leftovers from food and human existence! Let’s make a conscious decision to avoid litter and clean the places we visit. Pack wisely and unpack even more wisely. Take back memories and your litter so that next time you come, you’ll be glad to say, ‘Looks exactly the same as I last left it’.

Sustainable Education

One Assamese couple is doing everything they can to educate the underprivileged children along with ensuring that sustainability goals are met in the green state of Assam. During winters when most of the families create bonfires out of the waste that is generated only to keep themselves warm – unaware of the fact that how much pollution would this cause to the beautiful Assam! This couple, Parmita and Mazin have started a unique school – “Akshar” where they’re accepting fees from students in the form of waste generated in their homes. This waste is then put to best use – segregated, recycled and re-used thus imparting education and ensuring sustainability. Kudos to the effort and a huge shout out!

No! The government is not responsible for doing it all – when we said that we are a democracy, we agreed to the fact that the well being of this nation is not just in the hands of the government. The constitution gives me incredible fundamental rights and the power of constitutional remedies makes me stronger, in case I am denied any of my rights! But, what about nature? Aren’t we supposed to be the custodians and caregiver to the environment which has given us so much! Do we only care about the fundamental rights and have we forgotten about the fundamental duties that we as a nation should be adopting? Oh! Are we waiting for a constitutional remedy where nature would be able to move the court for being denied its fundamental rights?

Today, we see so many campaigns running to create awareness on the climate change issues, while some sceptics still think global warming is a farce; but we all know the reality! Devising solutions is one way to look at it – the number of fractures we’re causing to the environment in the name of development, globalisation, liberation and growth is tremendous, and if not stopped now, would continue to eat the Earth like a termite.

While I am sure, most of you know the 3’R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; let’s shift the spotlight to the 4th kin – ‘R’eplace.  The question is, replace what with what? Let’s begin with ourselves – let’s start taking responsibilities for small things. For instance – keeping biodegradable away from non-biodegradable. For turning off the lights when there is sunshine outside. For switching off the ACs and letting our natural thermostat come handy! These and many more are required so that our future generations (and trust me, this future is not very far away) would not have to say – WHY ON EARTH!?!?

Earth’s basic Right -Right to Life?

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